Filofax Swap 3 – The “Chamomile” Attempt!


Hey there, beauts! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

So I am back with more updates. πŸ˜€

The β€œcham-craze” has been around for a while and finally I’m here to show you the real juiciness of this binder.

You might know that since I drank the Filofax Kool-Aid I have been a little unsettled about my set-up.

I talked all about it on Filofax Swap 1Β and then I did a follow up on what I calledΒ Β The Filofax Swap 2 – The attempt!

⭐️And the saga continues right here on that very blog post in front of you⭐️


Today I present you……


✨Filofax Swap 3 – The β€œChamomile” Attempt!🀩


The Search of Perfect Filofax | Part 3 | LimeTreeFruits | Filofax Swap #3 ::

Juicy, huh? πŸ˜€


Here it is the Raspberry “Chamomile” Chameleon on the very first weeks.

I stayed true to her “compact” nature. I did not overstuff her.Β {yay me! πŸ˜€ }


The Search of Perfect Filofax | Part 3 | LimeTreeFruits | Filofax Swap #3 ::

Gorgeous Color and Texture!


Ok, now let’s back up a bit and talk about how/why/when this set up came about.

My previous plan didn’t work out well because the A5 Filofax is not as portable {obviously, huh?}.

My main goal was to separate work life from personal life.

The first condition was easily fixable, right? Just get a different Filofax for personal stuff. Great! Cross that out as “problem solved”.

The second condition thou was harder.

I have three other personal sized Filofaxes and although very portable, Β I knew that wasn’t what I wanted because…. the rings! Always on my way!

I am totally fine writing on the right page, but on the left one …. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I can barely pass the middle of the page and my handwriting gets awful as the pen gets out of control because my hand is sitting on top of the rings. Yeah, silly, but I really Β struggle to write on that left side.

I knew that if I stuffed up with sheets, it would get more “leveled” and the rings wouldn’t be so prominent, but the WEIGHT! oh boy.

So off I went to browse some options.

Reading posts here and there l I found a jewel write up all about COMPACT Chameleon Filofax!

{cue my eyes dazzled here 🀩}

No time wasted and I quickly went to check colors available at

And there it was! Pink! Red!

“That’s it!” I thought. I rushed over to Pens&Leather and the deal was closed! Not only one, but two! {I got the red one as well, HA!}


Let’s get started with that review, shall we?

First a comparison of thickness with a Personal size:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::


Rolling to the inside, I will makeΒ a list of pros and cons of this gorgeous Compact Chameleon.

So, the very first con – you can clearly see, it doesn’t lie flat out of the box.

I believe with training it will. I don’t think it is it’s nature thou. Like a Domino that may come out of the box not totally flat but easily adaptable to it.


Filofax Swapt #3 ::


Then, comes the second big con – that insanely crazy pen loop!

Look at that!

It falls right on top of everything! It doesn’t “naturally” stay on the side of it – “out-of-the-way” per say.
That pen loop can’t possibly hold a pen without squeezing everything else. πŸ˜‘
Nope. If you just close the organizer without thinking, and then the pen sits on top of the tabs.
I used a Bic 4 colors for this pic but got the same result using a single color, skinnier regular Bic:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::

So to be able to close the organizer without fighting the pen, I just hang it like this:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::

It makes easier to move out of the way when needed but it is not very secure and moves around a lot.

Anyways, moving on.

Since I got my BaroqueΒ {that I love with all my dear heart regardless πŸ’–} I knew that those vertical card slots wouldn’t work for me.

Note that my excitement reading blog posts about Compact FilofaxesΒ AND the fact that for a brief moment I owned a ChameleonΒ PERSONAL {ended up returning because it was defective} made me not even bother thinking about the card slots. The sad realizationΒ was:


  • The personal Chameleon has horizontal card slots.
  • The A5 Chameleon has horizontal slots.


Why would a compact of the same style have the card slots vertical?

Because it is compact, duh! πŸ˜€

Yup, yup, as a Β Compact ‘first-time buyer’ it didn’t even cross my mind!

Now, can you follow all the excuses my brain is finding for new Filofax purchases? 😁Or better saying the reasons to NOT buy any more Filofaxes that my brain keeps ignoring? 😎

Although the vertical slots ARE a big deal for me {more about it in an upcoming post!}, I deliberately deniedΒ seeing those vertical slots.


Ok, ok, so far what do we have?


  • Doesn’t lie flat out of the box = CON
  • Nonsense penloop = CON
  • Vertical card slots = CON


Do I still have her? YES! 😍

“Why on earth {I hear you ask} did you stick with her and did not return her right away if you found so many cons?”


Because of this, my dear readers, THIS:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::
Those RINGS!!!
They are just amazing to write on! Feels like a notebook; as if they are not even there.

See how close to the rings I got to write on the left side? ✨Heaven!✨
One more shot of those gorgeous rings:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::


And because this Filofax is easier to handle I feel SO much more inspired to write on it and make it super-personal:


Filofax Swapt #3 ::


It is over this time, right?

I am in heaven, right?

All the cons are totally irrelevant considering this sweet little pro…..right?

I found β€œthe one”!


hhhhmmmmm, you know….

I have a terrible habit of β€œbutting” into people’s conversation on Twitter…..

And so the unspeakable happened.


✨✨✨Be prepared for Filofax Swap 4 – A Solid Attempt! ✨✨✨

And that my dear friend, concludes today’s Filofax Quest.

Keep tuned for more juiciness to come. Always! πŸ˜‰

Many Smooches,

Raine Signature




The Search of Perfect Filofax | Part 3 | LimeTreeFruits | Filofax Swap #3 ::


The Search of Perfect Filofax | Part 3 | LimeTreeFruits | Filofax Swap #3 ::

The Search of Perfect Filofax | Part 3 | LimeTreeFruits | Filofax Swap #3 ::


Welcome, love! I'm Raine.πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! πŸ₯‚βœ¨

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  1. Rori

    I. Love. This. SO. Much.!!! It looks gorgeous πŸ˜€ And that’s the 1st one I’ve ever seen look good w/ the Bic lol. I’d love to see how you plan your week, and what all your stickies and tabs are! I hate the rings on the personal too πŸ™

    • Lime Tree

      Believe me that Bic 4 colors does not look that good with red compact! LOL I should had post all the set-up, huh? Will do next!

  2. Janice MacLeod

    Rings. I know. I KNOW! I feel this way about my Twin Ring journal. Love. I found out that the company was discontinuing my fav journal. I’ve been using it fo-ev-ahhhh. Naturally, I’ve been adding to my stockpiled stash ever since.

    • Janice MacLeod

      It’s the Apica Twin Ring notebook. It’s perfect in every way.

  3. innvestigators

    I like how you purchased multiple colors of the chameleon during the “cham-craze!”

    • Lime Tree

      hehehehe me too! I wish there were more!

  4. thezeitgeistofzoe

    yup, the rings. love ’em. love, love, LOVE what you’ve done with “chamomile”!! so colorful and flat out wonderful : )what are those awesome stickers you have on your weekly pages pray tell?

    • Lime Tree

      hehehehe I know you already figured that one out and PURCHASED a set! hehe If anyone else wants to know, those stickers are form The Container Store. They sell online too! @thezeitgeistofzoe can confirm that! πŸ˜‰

    • Lime Tree

      Thank you Ray! That’s nice of you to drop a comment! πŸ™‚

  5. angela

    This makes me want to get another compact after my Affair died! I’m thinking another Osterley so hopefully I can get a job soon in order to get one with my first paycheck :pHow does your Bic pen write? I love the colours but I’m not overly fond of biros but I find that this is the only one that is pretty enough to tempt me into the biro market!

    • Lime Tree

      HI Angela, I didn’t know the Affair was compact. Can’t go wrong with an Osterley thou! I am dying to see one in person. HeheThe Bic fashion color is ok, not great. I don’t like the green color because it is very neon-like and pretty light. can’t read it very well. The other thing is that I don’t like how thick the pen is. It is not very comfortable, I prefer the skinny ones, but at the same time I don’t want to carry 4-5 different colors of pen in my purse and dig into it to color-code my notes. So that 4 bic is ok for now, not great.

      • MJ

        I use a bic fine point 4-color pen. And carry a pencil. WORKS FOR ME.

  6. DEM

    Your Filofax looks absolutely beautiful! love, love, love

    • Lime Tree

      Thank you DEM! I love it too πŸ™‚

    • Lime Tree

      hehe, that is funny! Going to check now πŸ˜‰

  7. LJ

    I have a feeling I will shortly be searching for a compact Chameleon… oops!!!

    • Lime Tree

      I am weirdly proud of enabling you! πŸ˜€

  8. kanalt

    I love, love, love that interior shot with all the post-it’s! Have you added the photos to the Flickr pool? (hint, hint). πŸ™‚

    • Lime Tree

      Thank you Kanalt! I hadn’t added to Flickr. I signed up and forgot about it. hehe Need to check on it one of these πŸ™‚

  9. Linda

    What size is this? I don’t see a “compact” size on the Filofax website. I have a Chameleon a5 and love it.

  10. Linda

    Sorry I found it now πŸ™‚

  11. love

    I need to pay more attention! I didn’t even know Chameleons were still made. When I checked both Filofax sites (US & UK) I didn’t see any this month; so they must all be gone. πŸ™ It is good I didn’t look because I would have gotten one. I have my eyes on that aqua Lockwood…it isn’t sold in the US and the exchange rate is not pretty.

  12. love

    By the way, I use a compact as my address book (in case you need a use for yours if you are keeping it). I also love how tiny the rings are for writing in easily, and Iove how small and light it is while still being personal size. I have the compact aqua Saffiano. I have a love of all things aqua. πŸ™‚



  1. Filofax Swap 4 – A Solid Attempt! | Lime Tree Fruits - […] Soooo, what came after Chamomile? […]
  2. Filofax Swap 5 – A Classy Attempt! | Lime Tree Fruits - […] I was using Chamomile it was a pain in the butt to be transferring over the weekly sheets as…

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