🌸New beginnings… NOW!🌸

happy, mindset

Didja know today the cosmos is FULL of new beginnings ready for us? 🤩

If you’ve been having a “rough patch” on the last few months, fear not! It is time to find that balance and wholeness again.


A FULL MOON is happening today - in Libra! 😍 {Love and harmony abounds}, as well as the Equinox - day & night in synch with each other with exact same length AND we start a brand new astrological year today. 💫

Talk about shaking off what is not working anymore and moving forward with renewed energy!

I mentioned to you a few posts ago that the shop is about to open!

And then I posted a new printable which is free for now until it moves over to the shop. Didja get that one already? 😎

Great! Because today same deal –

a FREE printable while we wait for the shop to open its doors. ✨

🌕 It is a whole Full moon specific! 🌕

And plenty of room to get in there as well all your intentions for this new year while you feel ‘the feels’ of this beautiful season change.

Click right here to download this juiciness.


And I also suggest updating your ‘Grateful Cards’ as well as your ‘Feel-Good Tool Box’? 🤩
Any time is good to update those ones but this week…. feels extra special!

That my love should do the trick on getting ready for all the goodness ahead 💞

Talk to you again soon!





Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

Recalibrate Your Year

Get back on track with your goals! 🎯💪🏼

Grab your packet right below

>> It’s free! <<

Printables Shop


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