πŸŽ―πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«When those goals keep NOT happening

business, mindset, perspective


This is that time when people decide to catch up on the year’s goals that didn’t happen yet.

And I LOVE this time of the year! It’s a juicy one where not all is lost — so much can be done in 4 months! — but also we need to keep steady and stay on focus to get stuff done.

So I want to give some insights about what I have been learning on *not* accomplishing as well as accomplishing meaningful goals:

#1: The goal is ours to fulfill and there is no other way but to fulfill them.

Meaning, when there’s this thing you want to do, create or experience but it just keeps rolling in from year to year, without being done, take a step back, a deep breath and ask yourself this question:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ if it keeps going like that, is this thing something I see myself giving up in the next 5 yrs?


πŸ† So this *IS* a part of you that is meant to be experienced, fulfilled, uncovered, manifested {wherever word rings bells for you.πŸ””}

Don’t even blink and replace all the IFs you might have attached to it and stick with the WHEN.

⭐️ Because you already know deep inside, this one thing is meant to happen. You know that this pull to experience and fulfill it is not going to disappear in thin air.

So don’t play with “hope for the best” energies — know it is meant to come to fruition.

Now because it might seem to good to be true, or too complex or too complicated, that leads us to point #2 which is an extremely important nuanced one:

#2: Don’t make the goal a big deal

When we want something for a while and various things seem to get in the way of it coming through, we subconsciously might put it on a pedestal.

And the more time goes by where we do *not* accomplish it, the higher that pedestal starts to become. It turns into a big deal because it seems more impossible every time that we try.
{when we get too close to the goal as well when we are really far from it — on both cases make the goal seem impossible}

πŸ‘‰πŸΌThe higher the pedestal the harder it becomes to achieve and the cycle continues with it just getting worse.

We create all that without realizing, subconsciously.

So as you continue to focus on this goal, remember:

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈThis one goal is NOT your final destination, love.

It is just a milestone.

β˜€οΈ A milestone for all the thigns that come after that. All the new dreams and goals that will come as a result of it.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌA personal example: For the last TWO years I have set myself out on an income goal for my biz.πŸ’΅ I did *not* accomplish that goal on those two past years.πŸ˜‘

Yet this year I set that exact same goal but I applied those 2 principles above.

And what do you know? πŸ’° The financial goal meant to be accomplished by the end of the YEAR, got done in August — it not only DID happen this year but it happened FOUR MONTHS EARLIER! 🀩

So, once I really leaned into those 2 points above – the knowing there was no other way but to fulfill my goal because it is meant to be fulfilled as part of my journey AND I brought that goal down to earth so to speak and made it not a big deal in my head, I was able to:

#3. Let it be as it wishes to be

The knowing and the certainty that the income goal was part of my journey no matter what, completely changed how I perceived myself and my actions.

Which translated with me feeling extremely certain and confident that even when I took *no* action or was “self-sabotaging” I was still moving towards my goal.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Note here, that I didn’t say the certainty and knowing, changed my behavior — I didn’t take more or less actions because of that certanty.

What it changed in me, is how I felt about my actions.
They felt enough. I felt that all my actions – or lack thereof – were enough.

Feeling that certainty allowed me to trust myself – for better or for worse.

There were no regrets on the weekends that I had extra time to “put in the extra work” but chose not to and just zoned out or went on to frolic elsewhere in town. 🐸🌸

🀍 This certainty gave me grace and softness.

Grace and softness to still feel steadiness when my actions didn’t *seem* steady in the conventional perception of it.

One of the first therapists I had, like 15 yrs ago, said this one thing I never forgot and always go back to it when needed:

“when we are left alone, without judgements from others or our own, we tend to move towards the things that matter to us”

Meaning, when we stop the inner and outer nay-sayers we just… be ourselves. And “just being” ourselves means that we inevitably move towards for what is ✨important✨to us.

And that is exactly what happened to me since the last months of 2023:

I dropped in the faith and certainty that anything I did was the right thing. Everything I did was moving me towards my goals.

Including the things that an outside viewer would consider “self-sabotage”.

{and how good that feels, my love, I can’t even begin to describe it! πŸ₯°}

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ That level of trust in myself, on what is meant for me, and my journey is what allowed me to not stress over how to accomplish this goal but to just know it’s here already, even in the moments it wasn’t.

So as we collect ourselves to achieve our goals for the remaining months of the year let’s keep in mind that:

WHO CARES if it is September, Oct, Nov, Dec or any other “deadline” perceived month? What does it matter if you “didn’t get” to your goal yet?

Your goal is yours, it belongs in your journey, it was always meant for you, it is not going away that easily.

And with that certainty in your heart – in your heart chakra πŸ₯° – walk though your days, knowing that you literally can do no wrong. Every single action you take {even a nap!} is moving you towards your goals.

And release that self-imposed pressure.

Release that pressure and… well, funny enough, precisely BECAUSE you release the damn pressure, before you know it…

πŸ₯‚2024 turned out to be THAT year you’ve been chasing around for so long 🀩

And the best part?

That one thing you accomplished wasn’t the final destination after all.

It was just one milestone.

of all there’s to come πŸ’

Many Smooches,



Welcome, love! I'm Raine.πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! πŸ₯‚βœ¨

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