🐱👩🏻‍💻Working with Cats – a comic!


So… with all that new stuff happening lately, I had to come here and share this goodness as well.

I *just* posted – a few minutes ago – about the New Beginnings ahead of us.

Full Moon, Equinox, New Astrological year, and even a free printable!


If you hand’t checked all that goodness yet my love, this link right here will get you caught up.


And apparently that ‘newness’ bug bite Cinnamon as well.
{Cinnamon is my cat in case that’s not obvious 😀 }


She has never *ever* been a lap-cat, ya know….


So naturally {?!} she decides it was time to try it out – on the most inconvenient time ever.


And naturally again {?!} I had to illustrate the event. 😃 Such a happening needed to be registered.


So here we are –  Cinnamon and I sharing the desk:




This was my very first time creating a cartoon and I’m so proud of it! 😍


One more format because I just can’t help myself and have to flash it away 😆



Hope you all have been having a very productive week, just like us over here ✅👊🏼


Many Smooches,





Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

Recalibrate Your Year

Get back on track with your goals! 🎯💪🏼

Grab your packet right below

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  1. Morgonöga

    Love it! That’s what cats do, many times of giggles. I hope you paint more with cats (I got a cat too, they are magical)

    • Raine

      I know, right? They are the cutest! 😻

  2. Kokopelli Design

    *ROFLMAO* Yes, that’s how they are! Lost both of my kitties years ago, but maybe I will have cats some time soon. Happy PPF!

    • RaineB

      I’m so sorry for your loss Kokopelli! Loosing a pet is so so hard! TWO of them…. oy 😓
      And yes, for sure a shelter fluffiness is awaiting you right now if you feel it is the right time :)) 🐱💕

  3. Tracey

    Hee heee!! Cinnamon really does like being in the spot light :))
    Happy PPF Tracey

    • RaineB

      she so does! hahaha
      Happy {belated} PPF!

  4. Valerie-Jael

    What a fun cartoon. Cinnamon seems to be a funky cat! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    • RaineB

      Thank you Valerie! Happy belated PPF! :))

    • RaineB

      Thank you Linda!! Happy {belated} PPF to you too! <3

    • RaineB

      Thank you Christine! 💕

    • RaineB

      thank you Linda! 😀

    • RaineB

      Thank you Soma! I appreciate it! Cinnamon says hello back 👋🏼🐱


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