I have been writing/painting daily on my gratitude journal. And I need to say this :: ✨It is amazingly powerful✨
It shifts your mind!
I AM looking at things differently and finding wonderful blessings all around me all the time because of it.
This morning I meditated.
Very surprising for me as usually I do at the end of the day.
I think I hadn’t been sleeping well, it is too hot! I woke up feeling weird, crabby I guess.
So I decided to meditate in the morning to see if my day got better.
Right after that I was inspired and wrote A LOT on my journal and on my Gratitude Book.
Things really change. Actually *I* change.
I started getting ready for work and I looked at the window and choked, just choked with this:
oh, sure thing, it is not that I never saw it! Of course I saw it! I just never NOTICED it.
Where have a I been? How have I never notice that gorgeous inspiring tree on my window?
So beautiful! 😍 Sitting right there, shiny and smily all this time and I cared to notice it just today.
Beautiful, SO beautiful and right here, NOW. Not on some vague day in the future.
It is out there right now, having a good rest for another beautiful shiny day.
Then later today I got an email from a fellow blogger saying that today she saw a picture and thought about me.
She thought about me because she read my entry in a forum about trusting myself.
* By the way, that same insight I put it out here on my blog too. If you are curious, here it is 🙂 ——> Insight!*
Sooooo, she send me that lovely email and posted the picture. Look at that inspiring juiciness:
Aaand she thought of me when she saw that?! I melt 😍
Much much love,
I imagine meditating in the morning really helps to sieze the day!