Getting Rid of Overwhelm

Happy almost February lovely!

I know, shocking! We are just a few days away from completing the very first month of the new year! Unbelievable!

So let me tell you a ‘lil secret.

‘Member when I shared with you the planning retreat I did to get my ducks in a row?

Ya, that one.

I got my ducks in a row but you know what?

Once I was back to my routine overwhelm took place again and once more I was moving towards I-am-not-doing-enough Land.

A terrible Land to visit by the way. Not even for a few days, the view is not pretty from there. I really wasn’t looking forward to getting there.

I scratched my head.

“What is going on? I have a plan for this year. Sure thing, things will change as I go but still…. why do I feel so unsettled and all over the place?”

That’s when the light bulb lit up!
“Of course!”, I slapped my forehead “I am having a hard time prioritizing! THAT’S what is making me so overwhelmed!”
I had my goals for the year, a rough plan to achieve them but I could not distinguish amongst all the tasks I had, which ones would get me there.

And so I happily turned to the exercise that always saves me on that specific situation.

If you have been following my blog for a while and had subscribed to my newsletter since the very beginning you already heard me talk about it, so let’s refresh it!  If you are new here, you will love this new handy tip!

Ladies & Gents I present yoooouuuu…….

Marie Forleo and her Creating Mental White Space Exercise!

Woooohooooo *confetti*confetti*

Yes, it is that good! It deserves all sorts of pompom shaking and confetti tossing. 😀
If you are getting close to that darn Overwhelm Land right now, or even – gasp! – already there, this is a MUST watch!

It will take you aroundish 20min. to complete it.
Well, fine, it took me 1/2 hour! Ya know, I am a talker and as such I have a lot to “say” when I write things down as well. 😀

Grab a pen and paper, your fave beverage and get to work!

All done? Feeling better yet? Do you have that final handy list of achievable ToDos in front of you? 🙂

GREAT, because I have something else up my sleeve today. 😀

After doing the exercise myself, I wanted to have a “Master To-Do List” on my planner so I would allocate to months, weeks, days, break down into smaller chunks, etc,etc.


I realized I had never created a To-Do list printable! 😮

Oh my gawd! How did I miss that one?

Well, I had created plenty of illustrated to-to lists built into weekly and daily sheets but never a stand alone one.

So I decided to sort out those built-ins, picked one of my favorites and then…..


A handy and simple To-Do list was born!


‘Member those cutie ladies? 😀

No??? Oh sweets, you MUST check out the weekly printable where that list came from!  There is even a video that goes with it. 😉

{By the way, I sure hope you know I have a WHOLE PAGE of freebies, right?
Oh, you knew it already. Great! I just wanted to make sure. }

Back to the ToDo list.

Look how delicious having cute pages of lists side-by-side look like! {I know I am such a geek. 😀 }


Now love, if you read all the way down here and skipped the video, I urge you to go back and watch it. Do the exercise and then reward yourself with those darling printables to make your Master To-Do List even more exciting.
After all, now you just have written down the things that really matter, right? 😉

As always, three sizes are available below.


Okey dokey sweets, I am off to get some of my ToDos done. 😉

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and I talk to you again soon!


Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

Recalibrate Your Year

Get back on track with your goals! 🎯💪🏼

Grab your packet right below

>> It’s free! <<


  1. Sam

    I followed the video, I did the list but didn’t manage to cross any of it off! Nothing on it is out of my control and nothing on it is ‘meh’ – so I still have my full list 🙁

    Honestly though I do have a few things on there that has been on for a while, at least a few years, and I have never got round to doing them because they are boring and just a means to an end…and I so want that end but I can’t just seem to see them through. I have started them so many times and then…

    I cannot re-evaluate my list because I still want everything on it. I just need to find the strength to do it. I need to shake off all the overwhelm and just get on with it but I am so easily distracted!!

    • LimeTree

      Hey Sam, you know those cleaning closet tricks where they suggest we go through our clothes and donate anything that we hadn’t use for at least 2 yrs? So ya, I would suggest you do the same with those tasks you have been rolling for years. If you think about it they are prob not THAT important otherwise you would have found a way to do them after so many years. 😉 That will freed up tons of weight from your shoulders and you will feel lighter to move on to more achievable things.
      Other suggestion is to find a time in your life where you “shook off the overwhelm and got on with it”. Did you accomplish what you wanted? If so, yay! Use that time when that happen as a motivator! On the other hand, if you can’t recall a time when that worked, that’s prob because… you know…. it didn’t work. 🙂 So then repeating the same strategy won’t do anything for you again.
      Letting go is HARD, but it is extremely freeing as well!
      Much much love to you! ♥

  2. Lynda

    I just started visiting your website the last day or two. And I’m not really sure what has happened to my brain. I’m not creative really. I like making things, but use patterns. Today however, I was printing out some of your lovely freebies *Thank you!*, and the next thing I knew, the scrapbooking/cardmaking tools were out, along with paper and card stock and I was making dividers……..with tabs no less. Now, they’re not all that earth shattering, but I started out with white card stock and that morphed into pretty coloured stripes glued on……..colour… my Filofax! So that’s what has been missing all along. And I signed up to start writing a blog…..what have you done to me woman!!!!!!:) I’m grateful. And I’m not young by the way….I’m 58. You’d think I’d be winding these things down. Oh, and did I mention the weaving classes I’m taking starting in March?????

  3. Kristina Rall

    I absolutely LOVE this to do list but I can’t figure out how to get it to print so that it’s front and back like you have it. HELP!!!

    • LimeTree

      Hi Kristina, printing front and back depends on the printer you use. Some of them don’t have that feature. 🙂

  4. Lisa Shouse

    I love everything about your website. I have joined and I am so excited for every Tuesday to get here. I have just began to be a “bigtime” planner. I have always had to keep appts written down and so forth. I have Fibromyalgia and remembering is a big thing with Fibro so I decided to kick it into overdrive so I can really keep all of my life events in check!! Thank you very much for making that easier!!!!


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