Hello there lovely! 🙂
I’m back with another Filofax post for the collection! teehee
Speaking of collections, mine is growing and I couldn’t be happier.
Soon I will be sharing the new family members. 😉
For today, I want to present you my Filofax wallet.
Specifically the process that lead me to move out of it.
Not the Filofax per say but the style.
First things first. Here it is on all its gorgeousness the star of today’s post:
The Mini Filofax Chameleon in Spring-Green
That cutie-pie has been with me for months now.
I LOVE chameleons and after moving out of my pocket, hence the perfect wallet, {why did I move out again? *sigh* } I have been struggling to find something that would work well.
The mini spring-green was on sale at Pens & Leather, so why not to try, right? 😀
Although I have been using it for months, there are a few things that aren’t working so well.
- First, the leather is very soft and flexible which is very convenient for my stuffed A5, but it doesn’t work when receipts take over, like this:
It deforms the shape of the binder. Doesn’t look pretty at all, very messy.
- Another thing -*aham* minor thing I admit – is that the clasp closure seems disproportional. Most chameleons seem to have long clasp closures leaving a lot of room to fill in the binder with goodies but that mini one goes overboard.
It used to bother me a lot, not that much anymore, but still, something seems off:
The clasp is TOO long and unnecessary. Doesn’t look neat.
Look at this comparison with the A5 and compact Chameleons:

{Mini, Compact and A5}
See the white arrows there? Such a difference!
Sure thing the A5 is super-stuffed so the clasp is very tight but if you notice, the mini clasp is a tad looser then the compact. Non-sense! That should be a clasp for the pocket size, not mini.
Now a comparison with the clasps together.
First I put them side by side on their bottom stitch, then stretched their “belts” and here it is mini and compact comparison:
I don’t get it, why such a long “belt” on a mini?
Well, fine, enough with that silly geekiness.
{Not that I am picky anyway 😉 }
And those were my two problems with this binder:
Very soft leather and weird clasp closure.
Both make for a very floppy, messy wallet.
BUT to clarify, I LOVE Chameleons and that soft leather is just perfect on bigger sizes. Just not for a mini/ wallet.
I actually wrote a few love-posts to my Compact Raspberry here and here. The A5 love-post will come soon! 😉
So, now on to the pros!
Because there are pros. Afterall if I managed to use it for so long, something must be working, right? 🙂
So let’s see:
- Because the leather is so floppy, since the beginning it has been very easy to pull cards in and out of the slots. They never get stuck.

remaining cards are tucked into that vertical side pocket
- The cash pocket is HUGE!

very stuffed with receipts
- I can fit tons of coins in the back pocket because the leather is so soft! Which is good and bad, as the binder gets very “deformed” and messy {same problem again}.
Here is a pic of the waves that form on the back of it because of the coins:

I guess that pic was supposed to be on the “cons” section
- Last and very important pro: I love chams and I love the color spring green! 🙂
Need I say anything else?
It is so yummy, isn’t it? 😀
So, I ended moving out because a very nice member of the Philofaxy community came to the rescue when I mentioned to her my concerns with my floppy Filo-wallet.
Through her I could finally experiment with a real wallet-like Filofax!
Hang on tight!
In a soon-to-come post I’ll be spilling all the beans on my next Filofax adventure in a structure-shaped mini wallet!
See ya then! 😉
hi there just in the market for a filo that works well as a wallet. Are you able to send me your post you referred to under the mini chameleon in spring geeen.
Thank you so much.
Kind Regards
Hi Angela, thanks for letting me know about that broken link!
It is all fixed now. 🙂
Thank you for this blog post!! Helped me alot! I’ve been thinking alot if i should get a mini for my wallet! 🙂
yes, go on and give it a try. You will love it. 😉