Happy New week, love! An announcement fresh off the oven is waiting for you today! ⭐️🥖
🥁Drum-rolls, please!🥁
It is now official….
LimeTreeFruits is *not* about planners anymore.
It IS about all that other stuff I’ve been talking about in between the lines all those years — mindset work, self-development, spirituality and online business!
I know, it has been ages I don’t release any new planner design and so it has been implied for a minute already that planners aren’t the focus here anymore.
However, for me to make it official and release myself of the guilt of lack of planner designs {yes, there has been lots of guilt involved on my part for not giving you what I know you want – the planner talk!} and to release myself from the obligation of talking about planners, I needed to make it official. Blog Official!
And for that, not just this announcement is coming through to you as well as the overall LOOK of the site has changed. By a lot!
It’s not close yet to the new brand approach I have in mind but for now this will do. This refresher on the site visuals already feels lighter and freeing to me and that is all I am aiming for.
Feeling free again to be myself in this space.
Yes, the lack of freedom was self-imposed. No one told me to keep going with the planners no matter what. I, subconsciously, have subscribed to that thought {and stayed committed to it!} for years and well… I needed to free myself from it, once and for all.
LimeTreeFruits changed to reflect where I am at right now and who I became.
My taste, interest and things I do on life changed wildly in the last 8 years, almost 9! {Can you believe that in 2021, LimeTreeFruits will be officially 9 years old! 😱😳 How can time FLY at the speed of light like this?}
The craziness of thinking that the person who started this blog, almost 9 years ago still exists today.
I know, I know how much so many of you LOVED all the things I created, the art, the planners, and you stick around all those years! I am so incredibly grateful for that. Truly and deeply.
But I need to give space to the new things that are coming through me. I need to give space for the things that make me happy and get me excited to wake up in the morning and fill my day with!
As someone said to me last week, we can not bring ‘back’ something, we can only move forward. And that is exactly what I have been struggling with in the last 3 years {at least!} — trying to bring BACK LimeTreeFruits as it was. Worse yet, trying to bring ME back as the one I was when managing LTF back in the day.
Because if I want the same results – weekly blog posts about planners, monthly desktop packets and constant interaction with the planner world – I needed to be THAT persona again, ya?
That person looking for answers in the planner world, looking for her holy grail — Planner Peace!
And you know what? I actually found it! I actually found that oh-so aimed for Planner Peace.
Truth be told I found it YEARS ago. Not even joking. I created a whole course on it by the way. Have you seen it yet? Right here. And that is what the course is about — my search of and actually finding planner peace. Finding THE system that works for me, no matter what craziness is going on around me which helps me be on top of my tasks but most important – feeling GOOD at the end of the day for completing said tasks. And not dreading the next day because the to-dos start all over again, while feeling that what I did before wasn’t enough.
If you hadn’t seen that course yet and truly are looking to find YOUR way of organizing your days and getting things done, this course is for you love, don’t skip it!
And so continuing with my story….
Years ago I found that planner peace yet I kept forcing myself to go back to it as if I didn’t because at the end of the day planners is what LimeTreeFruits is about, isn’t it?
But I just couldn’t.
I wanted to talk about all the other amazing things that were happening in my life. The miracles! The freaking quantum leaps! The insights! Oh, and the business! Every milestone I was accomplishing left and right, every set back that I’d shake off to keep on going. How intertwined it all was in my life and how I was LOVING it!
But I couldn’t say a word about it {or so I thought!} and I would never come here to share any of it. It wasn’t related to planners after all, why would anyone care to hear those stories?
Way back when I first started doing business online someone said that business is the fast track to personal development. This made no sense to me at all!
How can business helps you improving the self?
Ah! How cute I was. 😀 All those yeas gone by and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I wouldn’t have had the speedy development of who I am and of what I am capable of have I not ventured on doing business on my own, finding my own path through it. Fast tracking path to personal development indeed!
So many insights came from all of that, all those years and here I was itching to share them but I wouldn’t, or maybe just a little, because…. that’s not what LTF is about after all! “Chill already Raine! LTF is not the place for it” I’d tell myself.
And so I even tested with different attempts of different blogs to express myself {because I so need it! I AM a story teller! I LOVE sharing things that I learn and insights on living a better more intentional life!} yet at the end of the day, this space here couldn’t be ignored. My life for the past 9 years is documented here for God’s sake! Only natural to continue the adventure right here!
And thats it love. I am now making it official. I will no longer talk about planners.
I did find my planner peace and if you are interested in the path for doing the same for yourself I’d highly recommend you go check out the course I created based on it. I’m spelling all the beans of how I did it in there AND this week only you get 15% off. No coupon needed – just got to the check out and the price reduction will show.
Now love, know that none of the planner posts or items on the shop will disappear. They are all there still on the site for anyone that needs to take a peek, read stuff and feel inspired to get their planners going. I am just making it official that I will not post anything new about planners, no new planner designs will be created and for sure the yearly planner won’t be out either.
How symbolic was it that for the going-down-to-history year of 2020 I brought the LimeTreeFruits yearly planner back to life one last time with the same illustrations of when they were first created – 7 years ago! The very first yearly LTF became the last one to wrap it all up in a pretty bow, blow some kisses and let her exist continuously somewhere in time.❤️ 🎀 A very good wrap if you ask me!
Oh and that brings me to the monthly free packet I talked about 3 months or so ago. Remember when I did a survey and said that to help me paint more I’d bring back the wallpaper packet?
Welp, I DID paint more during that time but only because I was already excited to paint more. Not because of the Wallpaper packet itself, you know?
And because the packet was actually me again, trying to bring LTF “back” to its 7 years-ago routine, it really didn’t feel right. It felt off, dislocated, misplaced even.
If you were keeping tabs on it, you know the last couple ones didn’t happen. I kept telling myself “oh, it was the elections, it was intense and emotional, it threw me off”, “oh it was because I moved. It was messy and I am still settling in. Can’t really create cute PDF files in this environment”
And you know what? All BS excuses!
Things that felt good, that felt exciting, that felt **right**, I DID manage to get them done even in the midst of November craziness.
And so love, this one is part of the bringing-back-but-it’s-not-meant-to-be-back same deal as everything planner related from LimeTreeFruits. Ain’t happening! Hope this doesn’t crash too much your wallpaper dreams 😀
Ok, love for some of you onlookers this all might be SO damn obvious but truly for me to make peace with the fact that…. LimeTreeFruits is NOT about the same one topic that it used to be – planners, it has been quite a journey to get here! To peacefully let go and make room for the new. Finally!
And so what is next over here?
Not sure yet but what I can guarantee you love is that, the essence of what have always talked about is still here, well and alive.
What I am here to talk about, teach and learn has alway been about – finding joy, committing to ourselves and our own happiness because it can indeed save the world. Your world, my world, someone else’s world and the next person’s world. We are in this together.
I put together a mini-series of some of the highlights of the insights and discoveries that I actually posted here on the blog. On this collection of posts I am talking about the powerful results we can get by shifting our perception of things, how we can release old pains and create miracles in our lives!
You can get the series right on this link or by putting your name in the box below.
I am SO excited for this – officially – new chapter!
Talk soon!
Many Smooches,
I’m gonna miss the planners and the new wallpapers, no lie. But I also know how important it is to be true to yourself and not force something that doesn’t feel right. I’ll still be here for the journey, if for no other reason than to continue to see your progress and cheer you on your journey.
Sending you Love!
Hi Anita! Thank you for your support! It has been a process to get to this point and I just had to do it. Feels so freeing! 🍃 I am glad you are sticking around! It will be fun! 😃