Happy almost 2nd month of the New Year, love!!
Can you believe it in a few days is F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y already? 😁
How is everything cooking over there?
Here I’ve been following through with what I mentioned on my big announcement a few weeks ago and it feels GOOD to get the wheels turning again!
I have something SUPER special cooking up for you {and me!} in the following weeks!
And to get to it, a bit of a back story:
I was talking to a friend who has been helping me in my business. She has been doing some VA work for me, here and there.
You know VAs ya? Virtual Assistants? The ones that work from home and support business owners virtually?
Yeah, that. Pretty sure you heard about them, specially after last year.
So she has been helping me with some tasks here and there and we got into the conversation about actually going all in with it. Meaning – her, building her own business around it and working full time as a VA supporting other entrepreneurs online.
Now love, I have been running a business on my own AND my business has been providing me a full time living for the past 5 years
{ops! 6 years now that’s 2021! 😀 } And I just LOVE it! I could not imagine myself NOT having the freedom and lifestyle I have created for myself!
Naturally, I was over the moon to know she was interested in doing it as well! 😁
So in my excitement I went ahead and started asking around my trusty circle of online entrepreneurs what were their recommendations for a very good and reliable course or program on how to built a successful business as a Virtual Assistant.
You know, because of course my friend has been scoping the internet herself to find said guidance but nothing was really building confidence in her. As she said “I looked around but nothing stood out, so I am not sure where to start”
Now, wait a minute….someone needing help? with their online business venture?
Paint the picture — me standing on top of a rock, arms on waist, in power pose, looking fiercely in the horizon and saying it out loud: “That’s a job for Raine, the biz geek!”
For real! I rolled up my sleeves the moment we hop off the call {Zoom life, eh? 😀 } and went on to dig in to help her find the BEST support ever to turn her biz dreams {reads – independence and freedom!} into reality.
Because I believe we ALL should be out there, taking a chance in ourselves and building businesses that let us shape up our lives the way we want. Truly.
But I digress.
Back to my story.
I was on a mission! I started asking around, with details and specifics on what she was looking for.
Soon enough the suggestions were pouring in. Good suggestions, mind you! I scanned through them all, let go of some and saved some others.
However if I was being honest I didn’t LOVE any of the things I was finding.
But still I had a good list to show her.
At some point, a web designer {*ahem* like myself 🙋🏻♀️} sent me the following message:
“I don’t have a course tho but I’m happy to chat with your friend on how I started out as a VA and have some resources I can share!”
I giggled a bit thinking to myself “oh, I know, I did that too! Started as a VA and moved into web design later on, hehe”
And started typing a response:
“… hey! That’s awesome! You know both sides of the coin – what is needed to become a VA and what Web designers looks for when hiring a VA! I see a course coming out for you!”
I typed that response but didn’t hit “enter”.
I starred at the screen for a while and went right back to my first thought:
“….I did that too!”
“…. I see a course coming out for…. ME!“
Oh! The light bulb moment that just came rushing in my head!💡
“Of course!” slap in the forehead “***I*** am the one to have a chat with my friend, tell her all the things I know, all my inside secrets, show her all my resources, my processes and systems, pretty much lift the veil of how I managed to have been running my business on my own AND all the pitfalls to avoid, and things to overcome. AND how I did that same trajectory, started as a full time VA, moved into Web design which I can now attest from sides of the coin – what it takes to become a VA AND what a web designer like myself looks for in a VA when going out there to hire. ”
Oh, my mind was racing!
A course! A course! Not only my friend will learn but I will spill the juices out there to everyone who wants to learn how to work from home, and create a profitable business where it develops and shapes based on their lives, not the other way around!
Oh, the juiciness! The EXCITEMENT!
And so my love, this is what was born from this casual yet super-important inquiry my friend did the other day:
✨👩🏻💻A full on course on how to have what “they” are having. Meaning how to make that laptop lifestyle and online business owner dream a reality for you!
Because really, if 2020 taught us something {and it taught us a lot!} is that nothing is truly guaranteed in life, and having the power to create, tweak, sustain and maintain our own decisions, take charge of our income and not being dependable on one company/job/person is not only doable but necessary.
If you have been itching about how to transition into working full time online as a VA and never knew who to ask, where to go for a reliable source…… welp! I am right here for you! 🙋🏻♀️
It’s time to roll up the sleeves and just like my friend said ‘go all in’ and take charge of your income and life style!
In the next few weeks I will be sending you more deets about it – because *ahem* I am sorting them all out as I speak but I could NOT WAIT anymore to tell you the news! 🤩
Sooooo I’ll be back with more deets, but as you know me I always like to be right there extending an extra hand for those that truly feel called to move fast.
If that is you, love, click right this link so I know you are interested.
I am SO freaking excited to get this out into the world to you and I CAN’T WAIT to support you and your darling business growth 🤩
Any questions that you might already have {YAY!}, just drop me a comment below and I’ll get to it!
Many Smooches,