Hellloooo pumpkin! I am back already! 😁
FREAKING EXCITED with the responses I’m getting from my last post!
{if you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a look at the previous post to get caught up!}
Now, today my message is short {haha, you believe that? 😀 } and it is about you, not me. {oh, better believe that one!}
As you know, we are in the final home stretch of this never-seen-before crazy year. As we know, once the calendar pages turn, once we flip the page on Dec.31st, things will not magically change on Jan. 1st. Every year is like that. 😀 Of course, no difference this time.
So questions for you is: {and I really want to know!}
1- What are you caring with you from this past year into the new year?
Meaning we learned A LOT during this craziness and there’s no doubt lessons will be carried over with us for a long time. The UPLIFTING lessons I hope you take them with you forever {such as – we are in our core always safe no matter what, we are freaking resilient, community is crucial, things that we feel in our heart, desires and dreams DO matter, etc,etc} and the DOWN-INTO-THE-RABBIT-HOLE kind of “lessons” I hope you manage to shake them off of you stat!!! {such as – if I had saved more, worked more, done more, be more prepared, I wouldn’t have struggled.} Because those aren’t “lessons”, love. Those are just excuses to get us trapped in the “I am not enough” rabbit hole.
>> So, out of all those UPLIFTING lessons, what are you taking with you in the new year and taking ACTION on it?
Then, next question that ties in with the previous one:
2- What new thing are you planning on doing moving forward because now you see it is a non-negotiable?
Like something you have been putting aside or have dabbled with a bit but never went all in? And this year when everything went wild, it really hit on you that there’s no reason to postpone doing things that actually excite you and make your days easier, better, happier.
>> What is a new thing in your life that is now present and a non-negotiable?
I tell you my answers so you don’t fell shy sharing yours 😃
1- Lesson to carry with me:
✨knowing that I truly had the power all-along. Knowing that I can shape my experience as I navigate through things. Sometimes shaping it meant digging in deep on root cause of certain beliefs or patterns to release them and THEN choose a different one. Some other times it was simple as shifting my focus. Regardless we truly had the power all along.
✨self-love is CRUCIAL! Oh, how we hear that one all the time, left and right. It is so cliche even but more than ever this crazy year brought me closer to myself. I had to learn really fast to be gentle with myself, accepting the “good” and the “bad” that I found along the way. Not judging myself for judging myself kind of thing, you know? And no joke, things around me clear up FAST when there is gentleness within!
2- Non-negotiable new thing from now on:
✨Self-expression. It ties up with the one above so this is really non-negotiable. Easy? AH! Who am I kidding. It’s such a hard one for me, knowing that I can be judged because of it. But this year showed me if we are not doing it, what ARE we really doing on this planet if not expressing everything through our own uniqueness? Non-negotiable it is from now on.
✨Embracing MANY sides of me that I have dabbled with over the years but never went truly in: business and art, specially! Again, this ties in with the above which ties in with the one before and it is all a delicious unity of being ourselves, and expressing that love bundle that we are, isn’t it? 😄 for real, thou – committing to not shut down those parts of me that I barely got started dabbling!
Now I want to know from you love!
>> What are the lessons YOU are caring over the new year and what have turned into a non-negotiable from now on?
Because truly –– it’s time to stretch the wings and take flight! We’ve been waiting on you 😍
Post your answers in the comments! {I really want to know!}
I’m all ears {and eyes} waiting to hear {read} from you 🎀
🏷️ PS – The Get Planned course is on sale for the last time this year. It is 15% off until this Sunday only! In it I am spelling all the beans on how to truly find that Planner Peace we all been aiming for! And from that…. only keep the FUN part of planner digging! No more stressing thinking that someone else out there has that planner spread ‘holy grail’ that you MUST find with just one more Youtube digging! None of that love! Sort out a planner system that works for YOU and enjoy the planner world without fear of missing out! Come on over before the sale ends!