🤨⚠️When you feel stuck and don’t know what to do

creativity, mindset

Hellllooooo my favorite!!

It is the weekend – Sunday even! – and I couldn’t be more excited with this vacation mode around here. ☀️🎒

I’m not packing to vacation actually but rather doing things that really excite me and now all feels extra fun and giggly.

I really hope that you are focuing on the same for you!

Because, ….. as tacky and cliché as it sounds:

✨Our Joy leads us to where we need to be next.


👉🏼 Not sure about your next step and what you need to proceed?
Your joy will unlock the door you need to go through.🚪

👇🏼My most recent example to share with you:

I am getting ready to re-launch one of my fave courses, Plot Twist. This week the course was supposed to be up and running.

The course is fully created already, all I had to do was update some of the copy and the exercises in it and snazzy up the brand a bit.

🗒 Copy and exercises reviewed, tweaked, improved and then… visuals, the most fluid for me, was the final piece missing.

For some reason thou I got stuck in it. Nothing that I came up with was feeling right. And the ideas I was having were actually hard to come up with, I had to rack my brain to formulate a few options.

💭 “How on Earth!” I thought to myself. “Visuals, graphics, illustrations are my thing! Why am I so stuck on it and can’t move forward?”

👉🏼 And as I know so well that forcing things to come out is never the right move for me, I set it aside for a moment and went on to focus on other things.

📦 A few days passed and this juicy package arrived in the mail {which I was eagerly monitoring its travels online, of course! :D}

✨My new iPad and Apple Pencil! ✏️

Yeaaasss, both engraved!!!

SO special 🤩

🎨 And so, on I went to explore, play and have fun with my new art tool.

Now remember this ‘lil darling I sent you a few posts back?👇🏼

Now it wiggles 😆


I seriously was having way too much fun with it! Because really, if a donut can’t wiggle, I don’t want it! 😎🍩

And I didn’t stop there. I went on to create gifs like there is no tomorrow. I was *in the zone* with my new toys! 😃

⏳I even went back in time to when I was a pre-teen and thought that saying a cussword was the funniest thing ever… and ended up illustrating one. 😅

{I am not going to load up your email with all the gifs I did, and all the fun behind-the-scenes that came with it but if you want to take a peek at all that was created, this link right here will show you.}

🧐 Now, why am I tell you all this and sending you wiggly donuts?

To tell you what happen right after….

👉🏼 That stuckness about visuals, graphics and the new branding of Plot Twist program?

Completely gone!💨

⭐️And not only gone but a new rush of inspiration, excitement and >> a clear vision << of what I wanted the program to look like and feel came right through.

💡 Ideas started pouring and I was ON it again! New logo already illustrated, page design and layout sorted, program overall look defined.


📍🗺 ✨It is no joke that our joy leads where we are meant to go next.

👉🏼 If I had let myself stay on that cycle of frustration for not getting things done “fast enough”, I’d still be pushing, grunting and trying to force something to come out that wasn’t there yet.

And the enthusiasm, excitement and flow of the last few days?
I wouldn’t have had the chance to experience them.

So love, as we start up another week, let’s remember that:

✨It is ALWAYS and forever safe to feel our feelings and let them guide us.✨

If something feels off, that’s because it is.

❤️ Trust that following your intuition – even it tells you to drop everything and go play – will always lead you to your next step.









Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

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