by RaineB | Mar 1, 2019 | creativity, mindset
When you forget your WHY things get much harder to follow through. Have you experienced that? Something that used to be all fun and giggles “all of a sudden”, without you realizing, starts getting harder and harder to keep going. That is how I was feeling...
by LimeTree | Jul 2, 2013 | creativity, happy, PPF, thoughts, transformation, watercolor
Oh boy! Big, big news over here! Guess what awesomeness just happened to me last week? THAT! Can ya believe it? I became an U.S. Citizen! And it all happened in a blink of an eye. So much happening lately. I have been just creating and re-arranging to-do...
by LimeTree | Mar 1, 2013 | creativity, planners, PPF
Happy Paint Party Friday peeps! I promise this will be my last Filofax post of the week, hehe So, this time I decided to try again one of those red pencils to sketch. I had used them before, didn’t like them and went back to regular black pencil. I thought maybe... by LimeTree | Dec 14, 2012 | art supplies, creativity, happy
Happy Friday Everyone! Isn’t it always so exciting to start a new weekend? hehe It has been a looong time I don’t participate on the Paint Party Friday and so here I am to say “hi” to those lovely peeps engaged on it 🙂 “hi!” So,... by LimeTree | Nov 16, 2012 | creativity, watercolor
These past weeks I have been working on some recipe sheets. After some layout sketches on a notebook I decided to give it a go. For a few days now, it just didn’t feel right. I was almost done with the frames, but….. something…. you know, something...