Art Every Day Month – Day 16 & Paint Party Friday

creativity, watercolor | 18 comments

These past weeks I have been working on some recipe sheets.

After some layout sketches on a notebook I decided to give it a go.

For a few days now, it just didn’t feel right. I was almost done with the frames, but….. something…. you know, something Β just wasn’t working well.

I stared at it, and stared and stared some more – just to make sure! πŸ˜€ – and decided I needed to restart.

And so I did.


I went way overboard with the first one and was aiming for something much simpler and calmer – the last one was too busy – but took me a while to realize I was aiming for that serene mode.

So here we have, a super-simple but much more meaningful frame:


Playing around with it and finishing something more in line with what I wanted made me really happy! Reaaally happy!

It reminded me of VioletΒ Leyman’s post about your art resonating with yourself first and foremost. It is a very practical yet beautiful post!
Go take a peek at it πŸ™‚ Β It is not easy to work with what we don’t like. This is why we started doing all this in the first place:Β it is something that we like to do.

Our work flows easier if we focus on what we actually like to do.

All so true and obvious yet we need to remind ourselves of that everyday.
So yeah, don’t miss her post! —–> Joy

In case you don’t have time to go all the way over there to read Β what she is talking about, I will leave you here with her sentence that sums it all:

Joy is highly attractive.

mmmmmmm doesn’t that sounds so rich, cozy, fuzzy, warm and beautiful? πŸ™‚

Hope you all are having a great Friday!

See you soon! ❀


Hey, love! I’m Raine.πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! πŸ₯‚βœ¨


  1. Linda K

    Joy-my favorite word and feeling. Your recipe frame is really lovely! happy PPF!

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Linda! Joy is the main goal, isn’t it? πŸ™‚
      Happy PPF to you too!

  2. molly

    your recipe frame is great. i love the color!

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Molly. I like it a lot too πŸ˜€

  3. Ginger Davis Allman

    Boy does this resonate with me! You know how when you get an idea you just kind of go into autopilot while working on it, in the zone, happy with what you’re doing? Well I find that sometimes my brain takes a left turn without my realizing it and next thing you know I’m not happy. I’ll get up and rummage through the fridge, I’ll begin to wonder if the mailman has come. I’ll feel the sudden urge to check my email. Inevitably I’ll realize that I no longer like what I’m working on. Something will have gone wrong and when my brain hits that turbulence, it wants to escape. I need to learn to do more starting over. Sometimes you just have to ditch it.

    • LimeTree

      YES! I totally see that, Ginger!
      Distractions start to influence us only because we lost interest on what we were doing.

  4. Chris Boyd

    I find the blue shade of your recipe sheet to be tranquil and calming, as you said serene.

    • LimeTree

      I am glad it brings you those feelings as well πŸ™‚

  5. Lynn

    practical and pretty! HPPF!

    • LimeTree

      HPPF Lynn! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  6. sandra sherman

    Sometimes the saying that ‘less is more’ can be very relvant, you intuitively knew what felt right and followed your heart. Its such a great feeling when you find what works for you:)

    • LimeTree

      Exactly Sandra! Following your intuition and your heart always pays off πŸ™‚

  7. Karen Smithey

    I love the very graphic look this have!

    I’m having a giveaway over at Art in the Garage to celebrate my 1000th post–hope you can stop by and leave a comment!

    • LimeTree

      Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by and letting me know about your giveaway! πŸ™‚

  8. JKW

    I did like what Joy had to say. It does take several tries sometimes but usually I come back to the original. I can’t seem to stop until I have several to choose from and realize I got it right the first time! Go figure! I love the recipe idea. Blessings, Janet PPF

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Janet! Having options is always better, I agree! πŸ™‚

  9. Violet Lemay

    What a lovely post. Thanks for linking back to my site. And I completely agree with all of the above comments: your recipe cards are beautiful! (I also really love the header you made for your blog. Stunning!)

    happy day,

    Violet Lemay

    • LimeTree

      Thank you so much for your nice comment Violet!
      I am very honored πŸ™‚


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