by RaineB | Aug 9, 2020 | mindset
Happy end of a mellow and sweet weekend, love! At least over here it has been this way :)) And this feel-good in the air, brought me to you today. Last month I sent out an email asking how are you doing throughout all he changes we are living as a collective. I was...
by RaineB | Jul 19, 2020 | manifestation, mindset
Happy Sunday Sunshine!!! Hope you’ve been doing AMAZINGLY well, despite the circumstances these days. I want to tell you a fun yet powerful story about creating our reality. There has been SO many insights, events, knowings and downloads happening over the years...
by RaineB | Jun 16, 2020 | planners
Hellluuuu peaches! It’s Tuesday and I want to check in with you, and ask about your planner wonderings. Can you relate to any of this? ✨Do you ever lay in bed starring at the celling thinking how on earth are you going to get ALL THAT DONE? And organized...
by RaineB | Sep 9, 2019 | Baroque, organizer, personal, planners
✨Happy new week, Sunshine! ☀️😀 Hope you had an excellent weekend! It is Monday and we all can do with some delicious eye-candy to feast our planner cravings, yah? This one post here is a droll-all-over-the-screen kind of post where I’m showing you what...
by RaineB | Aug 26, 2019 | planners
Ok love, I have a video, a printable and extra info all ready to send you for the first day of Get It Done with Fun Training! And then I also have….. a severe case of techy hold ups. *sigh* Such a bummer! >> The first day of the training will have to roll...