Stop the excuses and do it!

creativity, happy, thoughts, transformation, watercolor // Tiny Creative ChefsHellooo you awesome you!

I am back. Literally.
This past weekend I spent in sunny California, getting dazzled by nature and inspired by awesome peeps.

As part of a bonus of a life-changing course I  completed a month ago, we were to meet – in person! Yay! – and talk online entrepreneurship in a resort in Carlsbad, CA.

The whole weekend was a mind-blowing experience.

You know how those things happen – The Universe constantly moving in your favor, ya know?

You just need to show up to receive your gifts.

Sounds easy but far from it. How many times have we asked for something, receive it and we back out?  We back out out of fear  {“shit, what do I do with it now?”}, twisted priorities  {“but I can’t focus on this right now”}, and lack of clarity {“that wasn’t exactly what I wanted”}.

This weekend there were light bulbs after light bulbs for me. I completely asked for all this change to happen and with one frightened step at a time I am moving towards it.

A few months ago I *literally* received a gift – a free intuitive healing session. How awesome is that?
As things usually fall perfectly in place when they need to, the appointment was in San Diego the day before the big mastermind meet-up!

The intuitive healing session was mind-blowing to say the least.

I was completely in a personal bubble-zone after the appointment and have just a slight recollection of driving to the hotel in Carlsbad – 15 min away – and lying in bed completely stoked by all I learned in the past two hours.

At some point I truly thought I wouldn’t be able to handle next days’ mastermind group. “I am too excited! I can’t sleep! All this info, all this journey ahead, how will I be able to focus tomorrow?”

Barely I knew it was – OF CORSE – all related!

The master-mind was amazing, I met other brilliant entrepreneurs  full of drive, motivation, and commitment to their cause.

Beautiful experience – a big gift to be connecting with all those peeps.

LimeTreeFruits // Amy Porterfield's MasterMind Group

{What? You think I went overboard decorating the pic? 😀 Naaaahhhh! And yes, I am in there somewhere. I challenge you to play Wally with me here: “Where is Raine?” 😉 }

So why would that mastermind be connected with an intuitive healing?

It all reassured my life’s path and purpose – I can see so real in the years to come, all the projects and adventures that are so good and rewarding yet so big and scary. All there awaiting in the journey.

When I got back home, hubby asked me what were the main general key points I brought from the trip. Some of them were:

  • that I am more “woo-woo” then I care to admit 😛
  • to trust my path
  • to trust the process
  • to let go of fear and finally…
  • to JUST DO IT!

Yes, the latter, hadn’t been happening lately out of fear and… well… we know right? Nothing gets accomplished if we operate out of fear.
And I brought with me to the mastermind, all the excuses I had to postpone a lovely idea a bit more. *aham* I was calling them “reasons” not excuses – of course, right? 😀 The “reasons” all fell thru the cracks. Some just by listening to other people’s business growth process. Others were directly said to me, including THE one: “just do it!”.

Soooooo sweethearts, to really follow through with this awesome weekend I just had, I am totally DOING IT!

Today I am officially letting you know *gasp!* about my very first digital program: // Tiny Creative Chefs

No, I am not releasing it today but I am putting it out there so I won’t back out 😉

And what is this Tiny Creative Chefs thingy I am talking about? // Tiny Creative Chefs

Ya know that overwhelming feeling of looking through millions of online options trying to find fun kids’ activities for the summer? And that never ending concern about their time spent in front of the TV/computer? What about the issue of passing along healthy eating habits as well as keeping sanity in the kitchen while cooking with kids?

So yeah! Tiny Creative Chefs is here to help with all that! 🙂 // Tiny Creative ChefsEvery week a recipe and activity worksheets that function as a guide for healthy eating AND play-time with kids. All them eye-candy-fun-illustrated to keep kids engaged, entertained and excited about food + healthy eating.

Imagine all the fun and play-time spent actually teaching your children how to cook while building awareness of conscious food choices!

Yep, yep, I am super-uber excited about it too, sweets! 🙂 // Tiny Creative Chefs

Stay tuned for the launch of Tiny Creative Chefs!
I will send ya first hand news with more details about it – just add your name and email below so I can contact you.

[ois skin=”Recipes”]


*gasp!* I did it! It is out in the world!
Now back to the drawing board. There is a lot of work to do 😉

Refreshing smooches to ya lovelies!


Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

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  1. Morag

    Hi Raine you sound soooo excited about all that’s happened recently and your tiny chef idea is brilliant!!
    Look forward to hearing more about it – good luck!!

    • LimeTree

      I really am excited, thank you Morag! Will keep you posted 😉

  2. milly

    Congrats on putting it out into the real world – wishing you happy times at the drawing board bringing it all to life!

    • LimeTree

      Thank you milly! A lot of work to do but I am super-excited 🙂

  3. Chris Boyd

    I am also really excited about your Tiny Creative Chefs endeavor! P.S. I downloaded the new wallpaper you created as a freebie for subscribers. It looks great on my IMAC!

    • LimeTree

      yes!!! Nice to know you officially took ownership of the iMac 😀

  4. Steve

    I spotted you! In the middle

    • LimeTree

      Yes! Right there in the middle of the fun (always!) 😉

  5. Julia Dolowicz

    I spotted you too!
    Sooooo happy you’re doing this – sounds an amazing initiative. I’d be really interested to know about your Intuitive Healing Session – can you link or email me?
    Loving your work Raine.
    Excited for you

    • LimeTree

      We missed you there Julia!
      The intuitive healer is actually a B-Schooler! I will email you on FB all the info 😉

  6. Nina

    Oh Sweets it sounds so wonderful. And you so excited and happy. Makes me also happy.

    What a great donkey-ride this must have been ;;;;)

    DO IT! Do it do it do it!

    And I’m also very excited about your healing session. I have a Hypnose-Session on Thursday and am sooo nervous how it will be, and what I’ll find out.
    Could you also send me an Email about your Session?? So nosy 🙂

    Big hug

    • LimeTree

      Hi Nina! It has been a crazy donkey-ride, that’s for sure! And so worth it every minute 🙂

      A hypnose session? Wow! Never done one! would love to hear how it went for you. {Now I am the nosy one 😀 }

      I will email you all the info about the healer today 😉

  7. Suzy

    Congratulations Raine for your new adventure in Tiny Chefs! Looking forward to your artistic illustrations!

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Suzy! I will keep you posted 🙂

  8. Iris

    A big hip-hip-hooray for heeding your calling! Congratulations, Raine!

    • LimeTree

      Thank yooooou Iris! SO excited! 🙂

  9. sandra sherman

    fabulous post Raine! You go girl, with such a positive attitude anything is possible!!:)

    • LimeTree

      Thank yoooou Sandra!!! I am hoping the good vibes will work miracles! 😀

  10. Rita Barton

    Congratulations and good luck! Great post. 🙂

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Rita, glad you liked it 🙂

  11. Tracey Fletcher King

    it sounds like a simply amazing experience from start to finish.. it will be fun to watch you grow and change as it all starts to take hold…xx

    • LimeTree

      Thank you Tracey! It has been fun putting things together already, I can’t wait to have it launched 🙂


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