Colorful artwork and filter by my fav Braz singer Marisa Monte
Hellloooo beauts!
Happy extended Labor Day weekend for those in USA, happy extended Independence Day Weekend for those in Brasil and happy weekend {or holiday extended that I am not aware of} for those of you in all other lovely places that I hadn’t visited yet!
So, the other day, precisely Sept 1st, I was SHOCKED that we got to flip a new month page yet again.
Ya see, I am one of those people that always gets surprised by the day we are in. Meaning I am always doing the slap in the forehead thing and thinking: “what? Is it June already?” or “how on earth we’re entering a new year already? I barely started this one!” and so on.
And I am SO proud to say that as we flipped the page into September I was SHOCKED to realize there are still 4 months to go on this year! I really thought were entering the last quarter already.😁
What a joy to find that extra month in there!
And so, it is with that extra layer of excitement and “there’s still time” mindset that I come here to you today to talk about…
Setting Goals for the Month
but better yet ACCOMPLISHING THEM!
Because that is the whole point of it, isn’t it?
So let’s get to it.
Three straight forward steps. {Not easy, but straight forward, yes!}
Step 1: Define those goals
Of course, the no-brainer piece of it. What do you want to accomplish for this month? What do you truly feel inside of you that you want to accomplish? Not what you “should” or what you “must” to prove something to someone or yourself. What YOU truly want.
Step 2: What’s the meaning AND the feeling behind it?
In other words, what do you believe you will feel when you are at that goal? For instance a new biz owner wants to hit $3K income this month. The meaning? That her biz can truly happen, supporting her and it wasn’t just an idea in the ether. The feeling? Freedom to create a lifestyle and business of her own, confidence that she has what it takes, certainty that she’s on the right track.
Step 3: Bring those feelings to the now
This is THE part that makes it all work! Bring that feeling that is sitting behind it all, into your every day life right now – even before you “get” the thing you want.
For instance – the new biz owner feeling free to create the life she wants, confident that she has what it takes and certain of being on track… how would she respond to the challenges that show up throughout? A demanding client that just wants more and more? She knows **she** is in charge of her new found lifestyle and biz, AND she is confident that she has what it takes no matter what to make her business work. With that state of mind, how would SHE approach a demanding client? Very differently than someone thinking their one client last month was a fluke and she must hold on to this one at all costs, ya? And very different from someone that still subscribes to the outdated “customer is always right” perception, isn’t it?
In other words — assume the “thing” is already DONE. It is happening now. How would you be feeling and consequently – behaving – if the thing you wanted was happening NOW and the feelings were in you already NOW?
🔑 This is key : go through your days with the feeling of what you want being in your life right now.
Bring those feelings to your everyday now.
The “thing” you are aiming for has no other way but to move towards you.
Because changing how you are feeling about that “thing” will change your perception of it. And by changing your perception, your behaviors {reads – decisions and actions!} will match that perception.
You will BECOME that person who already has what she has set herself to do and you will ACT from that state of mind. Her outlook in life and her behavior is what got her the results that she got.
So love, go ahead with your goals list and get into the feelings of them to accomplish them.
Oh, and have fun in the process, as always!
Still 4 more months to go. Plenty of time 😉
Many Smooches,
Step 1 is my stumbling point. I never know what I want my goals to be. I can work out daily goals, like cut the lawns, chop a tree down, DIY job, dog walk, my turn to cook dinner, etc. Longer term goals nothing. Except to try and remember birthdays this year, which Ifail on.
I found your blog interesting. If I get my goals worked out I’ll follow your other steps, thanks.