REALLY Keep doing what you are meant to do people!

happy, thoughts, transformation

We reaaaalllly need to keep doing what we are doing!

I mean, really!

Messages do get to us when we need them.

I have been struggling to decide if I should move to WordPress or not. Many research, ask here, ask there and frustration all around because everything seems so complicated.

My reasons? WP seems to get more viewers.
My short term research told me that are some SEO thingys not available here on blogger.
But then comes the maintenance, plug ins and all sort of things that I need to learn about. Argh!

After a week of researching, this evening I was on the edge of overwhelm and doubts, thinking to myself “why on earth do I need to reach out to more people anyway? Are people really reading this, and is it meaningful?

With those thoughts on my head I start to get ready to take a shower. I hear a bip on my phone and curiously grab it again just “to check”.

An email.

****An email THANKING ME for writing about my soul-searching journey on my blog!****


I could not believe it!! My jaw totally dropped. “Is she a mind-reader now? How did she know I was questioning that??”

For many of you out there, it may be no big deal and a part of your daily routine IS to respond to “thank you” emails.

Well, it is a big deal for me! 🙂
That was a first and made me SO happy! You totally made my whole day missy! Thank You! :))

We so need to keep doing what we are meant to do.

Smooches and much love,


Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

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  1. Janice MacLeod

    Girl I HEAR YOU! I had struggled with Blogger vs WordPress. I am currently making a site in WordPress and it’s a whole lot of learning. My plan is to keep going with easy blogger until I get my site up and running, then move the masses (eye roll) to my WordPress site. It’s kind of a pain in the arse, but I have website jealousy so I’m hoping this WordPress move is a cure.

    • Lime Tree

      I am glad I am not the only one on that blogger x wordpress battle. Are you moving both of your blogs? You are a brave girl! 🙂 I am still on the initial process of moving into not even yet. Though the coding, supposedly easier, is driving me nuts! LOL

  2. innvestigators

    When I used blogger I had trouble figuring out how to read other blogs by topic. I find reading others blogs on wordpress much easier.

    • Lime Tree

      I know, huh? Will see what I can do on the “other side” hehe

  3. Steve Morton

    Blogger is part of Google…. Google is the biggest Search Engine there is… there fore you don’t really need to worry too much about SEO and all that stuff. Google will visit your site anyway… because you are ‘in house’ and there fore your pages are going to be indexed and will appear in searches anyway…Keep It Simple Steve

    • Lime Tree

      oooohhh Steve, just like my Filofaxes I can’t settle. LOL I already started the moving process *gasp!*


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