Keep doing what you are meant to do people!

happy, thoughts, transformation

I am always amused by how the messages we need to receive manage to be delivered to us when we most need it.

A while back I subscribed to Notes From the Universe.
I sure look forward receiving notes from the Universe itself every morning on my inbox πŸ˜€

Yesterday night I was struggling a lot, questioning if what I am doing is meaningful, if my little projects are worth it and all that. Right before falling asleep I see a note about me in one of the circle forums that just lifted up my spirit. Then this morning while still rolling around in bed trying to find a way to start getting ready for work, I receive this from TUT:

Do you know what’s already happened this month? A million Beethovens were born. A million Oprahs. A million Einsteins. A million Florence Nightingales. A million Martin Luther Kings. And a million Madame Curies, to name just a few. Each as capable of moving mountains, touching lives, and leaving the world far better than they found it.


And so you can just imagine how all of us “here” watch in anticipation to see which ones will have the courage to do whatever little they can each day, with what little they’ve got, from where they are, before their baby steps turn into giant leaps for the legions who will follow them.


It’s so in you


– The Universe


Love, Love it so much!

Last week in the midst of a series of exciting events that lasted a few days, this popped in on my inbox:

What if everything that's happened so far was just practice for when things get really, really good?

Really, really soon 
- The Universe


Sweet! I will take that!

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Welcome, love! I'm Raine.πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! πŸ₯‚βœ¨

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  1. Jotje

    This is lovely! In fact I have witnessed similar “coincidences” in my life since I subscribed to the Goddess Circle!I made new business plans and got all excited. And in the same week we landed a major customer!I decided I wanted to study ACT coaching. By mere coincidence, I follow a link of a former study-colleague of my boyfriend’s, and find a course that is A) in the next city B) starting half September already and C) turns out they have one last place available. Stuff like this makes you humble, I tell ya ….

    • Lime Tree

      aaawww this is wonderful! Unleashing all that energy! Have you downloaded the Business Course? I started the course but as I don’t have a business yet a lot of the things didn’t really apply to me; just the very beginning. You would love it!!! Your biz is already up and running. You can develop even further and faster!

  2. Janice MacLeod

    Boy oh boy am I ever glad I clicked on your post today. I didn’t know what to do first and was overwhelmed… especially “which ones will have the courage to do whatever little they can each day, with what little they’ve got, from where they are, before their baby steps turn into giant leaps for the legions who will follow them.”

    • Lime Tree

      I KNOW!! This is the best and most powerful part, isn’t it? πŸ™‚


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