My 14 years Blockage and a Reminder

creativity, mindset


Hello, hello!

This post is a reminder.
A reminder that a very special event is happening this Monday.

If you have been around my blog for a while you know I am an absurdly enthusiastic cheerleader of Leonie Dawson’s work. If you are new to my blog and don’t know her, lemme tell ya that she is an amazing life, business and spiritual coach that has been propelling my journey ever since I first met her {her work per say}.


And this Monday one of her most life-changing courses starts again.


Many months ago, I wrote about taking my first creative course online. I wrote how I believed the course was going to help me with my blockages.

That was my gut telling me that good things were coming. No, no good things came from it. AMAZING things came rolling my way. Unstoppable.

But before I get into that lemme tell you a secret.

The course is six weeks long.

And I dropped it in the fourth week!

and you know why?

Because that was all I needed to let go of old patterns and get into creative-fire-mode.

I felt so liberated, so free, unleashed and unstuck that I started creating like crazy! Fearlessly pouring my heart away in my paintings.

The thing is that at the time {August of last year} I was fearfully nibbling with the idea of painting again after 14 YEARS!!! I was doing some creative work here and there, but never confident nor consistent and above all struggling with past patterns. Many, many, MANY, blockages and issues relating to visual arts were holding me back.  Oh, and did I mention there were a lot of those blockages? MANY, A LOT, TOO MUCH!

14 years I was holding it all in.

I wanted to release it so bad, to nurture the artist inside of me {the artist that I didn’t even know existed and was dormant inside of me}

And that course got the job done! It freed me. Broke the chains.

Not only that, I started acting in an unspeakable way.

I started feeling PROUD of my work!

Excuse me?! A total new experience. Not even 14 years ago when I was painting more frequently, I had never ever felt PROUD of my work. Never ever. Sad but true.

Have you seen my freebies page? All the illustrations I have been pouring out post after post? Yeah, all happened during and after that course. The gorgeous Monthly Planner and all the inserts that followed? They would had never happened hadn’t I taken her course. And my new purpose in life of actually creating an income from my art? Would had never even occurred to me hadn’t I taken that course.

None of those beautiful gifts would have been possible haven’t I believed on it, dedicated to the lessons, truly deep dove into the meditations {my fave!} and let my judgmental self rest in a corner for a while. It would have never had happened hadn’t I dedicated my time to connect within.

And there I was, reconnecting, feeling happy, passionate and unbelievably proud of pouring all out.

This amazing life-changing course is starting again this Monday.

It will not teach you how to paint, draw or which technique is best for which media. None of that. Much more powerful —  it will guide you through a connection within, questioning and discovering, remembering and manifesting feelings and sensations with wherever you have at hand, wherever skills you have right now.

It is that powerful.

For those of you that have been curious about meditation, had never tried, or {like it was for me} lost track of years since the last time you did it, know that this course comes packed with goodies including guided mediations. It is THAT dreamy!  Take a peek inside: // Creative Goddess Course by Leonie Dawson


By the way!

The once called Goddess Circle {which contains ALL of Leonie’s work, ALL of it!} became the Amazing Biz & Life Academy. I have been a member of Leonie’s Academy for almost a year now and it has been a propeller of all the mind changing and new  life purpose currently happening.  The forums, the energy, the safe-environment, the people, the connection, the ideas, and the COURSES and the MEDITATIONS! All amazingly bright and inspiring.

AND *side note* I hadn’t nearly experienced one fifth of all the stuff available there! It is THAT awesome-goodies-filled!

So darling, I came here to remind you of this amazing course because I went through it, tested, loved and I truly believe this can help you as much as it helped me.

I wouldn’t be doing a whole blog post about it otherwise.

Many many creative love to you with splashes of color for the weekend!



PS —> Starts April 1st!! Did you miss the link? Right here!

Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

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  1. Jackie

    I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to Leonie. I am currently doing the business goddess course. If it hadn’t been for introducing me I wouldn’t be creating my very own website right now.


    • LimeTree

      Jackie, this is great news! I love, love, love Leonie’s work and also changed so much of my mind-set and beliefs due to her awesome programs! I took the biz course twice and always got something new out of it. SO glad you are liking it too 🙂


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