Let the damn✨light✨ BE!

creativity, mindset

Happy new month pudding!


✨I’ve got✨new✨free✨goodies for ya! ✨


On my last post I did a quick survey about what kind of gadgets do you actually use your wallpapers on. {You might recall it? 😎 }

And I was shocked watching the results come in to find out that…. iPads are really not THAT popular.

I thought it was just me 😁

However…. EVEN THOU tablets were barely mentioned/noticed, there were people saying they use it.

AND people willing to give it a try regarding their wall art! 🤩
Meaning, people opened to the possibility of actually grabbing a digital artwork, printing it and hanging in their wall.

I love you all for that 😍

Sooooo because of THAT survey, I need to announce that…


The Digital Wallpaper Packet is BACK!

…..and nothing changed! LOL 😆

Actually one thing changed, but I will get to that point in a second.

What did NOT change is this — ALL gadgets and formats I have created up to now are still ON! 

Phone, Tablet, Desktop, Planner sizes {of course!} AND the wall art!

All them here, ready for you to download! ⭐️

Now, what changed you ask?

👉🏼 The Wallpaper Packet is FREE for 3 days only!

After that it goes for sale on the shop.


So keep tuned every beginning of the month to snatch yours right away!

Now…. ready for this month’s goodness? 🤩

It’s all about Letting ourselves BE! Letting our light BE the light it is meant to be!

Here the beginning stages:


Now all packed up and ready for ya 😍

You can grab each one of them riiiiight below:

🌷Desktop Wallpaper :: Click here 
🌷Tablet Wallpaper :: Click Here
🌷Phone Wallpaper :: Click here 
🌷Planner Personal Size :: Click here 
🌷Planner A5 Size :: Click here
🌷Wall Art :: Click here


But don’t leave just yet! — There is a VERY important message that comes with it.

This packet was inspired by a convo that happened the other day.

A convo about being ourselves, letting what is natural to us come through without stopping it and without judgement.


A glimpse of it below 👇🏼

The E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-O-N! 

Have you noticed how HARD it is to stop or shut down things that come natural to us?

How much more effort we need to put into **not** being something we are, or being something we are **not**.

We learn early in life through parents, teachers, family, friends, or just the environment around us, to not be “too much”, “too loud”, “too happy”, “too visible”, “not take so much space” and so on.

Shrink, behave and get in with the crowd.

How much harder is it to keep up with all that shutting down and trying to “tame” the things that are natural to us, things that are part of our BEINGS?

And so the reminder was created, love — the reminder that, truly….

It’s time to let the damn light BE!

The entire world can only benefit from us letting our light be already!


Let the damn light be!


May we practice and sustain that truth this month and always!

Many Bright Smooches,




PS – here are some flowers for you. I’m really into roses lately and can’t get over how gorgeous they are. I needed to share this with you 😍

















Welcome, love! I'm Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨

Recalibrate Your Year

Get back on track with your goals! 🎯💪🏼

Grab your packet right below

>> It’s free! <<

Printables Shop


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