Happy Friiiday lovely peopleeee!!!!
Super late post but it needed to come out.
How many times has the Let It Go topic showed up this week?
Over here, a gazillion times!! From people to events till the fact that techy issues stopped by for an uninvited visit once again {when you thing it forgot your address ????} this week has been aaaalll about trusting and letting go.
Letting it ALL go. Surrender.
Sooo my dear planner lovers…. For 3 days I’ve been itching to let you guys know about the fun changes happening over here at LimeTreeFruits HQ.
And tomorrow….. tomorrow…..Is tomorrow going to be the day I spill out all the beans?
Oh, I am letting go of the outcome ?
BUT keep tuned in your inbox. Some special planner juices will flow like crazy at any minute now?
{if you aren’t in the list yet, get on it by adding your info in the blue bar above and you’d be all set! }