by RaineB | Jul 25, 2018 | happy
Hello you gorgeous you!! Hope your week is going GREAT! Over here I’m SO EXCITED to announce that one more page is available on LimeTreeFruits site! Which I believe is everyone’s favorite page ?…… ?The Freebies Page!? Yeeeeaassss!!!! Freebies...
by LimeTree | Nov 23, 2015 | happy
Hellluuuu lovely! How was your weekend? Mine, was pretty crazy with some missing files that I needed ready for like.. yesterday. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated was just a start and understatement. BUT as decisions can’t be made with that... by LimeTree | Oct 15, 2012 | happy, Leonie, thoughts, transformation
ok, so I am freaking out a bit. Although I just made a decision that released a bit of the “freakiness” and decided to share it here. Ya know, I am VERY good at coming up with awesome “airy” ideas and then some more awesome “airy”...