Hellluuuu lovely!
How was your weekend?
Mine, was pretty crazy with some missing files that I needed ready for like.. yesterday.
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated was just a start and understatement. BUT as decisions can’t be made with that mindset {at least not the good ones!} I pushed through and pulled myself out of that funk and started being grateful for everything and everyone in my life.
Which I’m starting with YOU my dear!
Yes, you.
What’s the point of going solo {reads solopreneurship} if I can’t get to work with the best peeps evah, right? ?And over the weekend YOU reminded of that. ?
Reminded me that I get to work with the best peeps evah. Really.
I have the best readers, subscribers, followers, customers + colleagues I could ask for. Planner lovers, planner customers, coaching clients, web design clients, assistants, interns, EVERYONE!
You rock my socks SO much and I am SO grateful we crossed paths. ♥
Now, I am getting sentimental here, I know… teeeheee
So before the tear drops start rolling an update I have a juicy printable for you today.
All about working on our priorities and staying focused, focused, focused.
A while back I read an article that really resonated with me. It was written by one my favorite life & biz coach, Marie Forleo.
The article is all about having clarity and the importance of it to get things done.
SO simple and so true!
Clarify what you want to accomplish before start working.
Sounds so obvious but contless times I had turned on my laptop with a page full of to-dos but totally got lost reacting in the “urgent” emails and other “oh, so-worth-it” general distractions.
After reading her article, I started writing on a post-it what my goals were for the following hour. Not a whole to do list, only what I needed to accomplish at that moment. One or two items MAX!
And it actually worked! I actually stayed more focused by simply having clarity of my purpose AND writing it down!
I SO needed them this week so I went on to dig in the printable, start using it again and of course bringing it over to you.
Look how cute they are:
Now, how I used them on my laptop. Very handy and close by to remind me of WHAT I’m doing next and stop the dilly dally:
Ready to give it a try?
Below is a pictured tutorial on how to set them up AND once you download the freebie, instructions will be also be printer IN it so you won’t loose it 🙂
Get on it, sweets! Download the printable right below
I hope you find them useful as I did! And that they can brighten up your day while helping you move forward with your projects. 🙂
Many Smooches,
I have tried to click the ticket above for the “priorities” download and it is not happening. Any ideas? Thank you.
I know you are overwhelmed with trying to get the 2016 Planner files correct and uploaded. This is just an FYI to let you know that something isn’t quite right with this download. I’ve been unable to access the file.
it’s fixed
My 9 year old needs these 🙂 Thanks!
Yay! Send us pics of her using it,ya? :))
Excited to try them! 😀
Yay CASS! You will love them! 🙂
Love to get them but it seems that the connection with FB isn’t there clicked several times and it doesn’t work and don’t end up in my FB …
hi puddin’, I replied to you in our Facebook group. 😉
I love, love, love these! So pretty and so useful. I need little visual reminders for what I am supposed to be doing! Thank you for creating these!
Well now I just have to try these!