by Raine | Oct 6, 2024 | creativity, mindset, planners
Happy new month, my pumpkin! 🎃🤩 ⭐️ It is THE final quarter of the year and we are rolling gloriously with things, aren’t we? 😀 Even if you aren’t feeling the hottest in that front, new months are always a great time to reset for new beginnings ahead...
by Raine | Oct 6, 2024 | creativity, planners
Aaaannnnd… 🌸We are ON, peaches!🤩 LimeTreeFruits Shop is OPEN!🫶🏼 Lemme tell you, my love — I dove deeeeep into LTF archives and some things popped up that I was so pleasantly surprised!🗄️ Have you seen {or remember} the Teacher’s Planner...
by LimeTree | Sep 2, 2024 | business, mindset, perspective
My Love! IT’S SEPTEMBER! This is that time when people decide to catch up on the year’s goals that didn’t happen yet. And I LOVE this time of the year! It’s a juicy one where not all is lost — so much can be done in 4 months! — but...
by LimeTree | Jul 19, 2024 | business
Hellloooo my favorite! Happy end of the week, mid-month and mid-year! How are things cooking up for you? Melting away in the height of summer peak 🥵 or {depending where you live} freezing your nose in the depths of winter? 🥶 I can hardly deal with this heat, lemme...
by LimeTree | Nov 30, 2023 | business, planners
Hello my fave! Didja know that what we notice and perceive is not the exact same thing others notice and perceive? And that the more we are intertwined in our own world the less we realize other people’s POV? Yea, you know that. But sometimes we forget. And a...