by RaineB | Jan 31, 2019 | happy, mindset
Hello lovely!! We are officially complete with the very first month of the new year. Wowzers! How did it go for you? Happiness overflowing? Struggles that seem to never end? Welp, I’m here to remind you of something very important about those days already...
by RaineB | Dec 12, 2018 | happy, mindset
✨Helllloooooo you beautiful being! ✨ Can you believe it is D-E-C-E-M-B-E-R?! And not just December, but MID-December almost! I, for once, actually can. 😀 After many consecutive years {like 5!} of feeling appalled and breathless by my inability to hold on to the days...
by RaineB | Aug 24, 2018 | creativity, happy, thoughts, transformation
Hellooooo beautiful! It has come to my attention that today is Artist’s Day! Or at least in Brazil it is 😀 Doing my daily feed browsing on Instagram I kept seeing posts {in Portuguese} celebrating “Dia do Artista”. Didn’t see one post in...
by Raine | Jun 27, 2018 | happy
Hello you gorgeousness!! I have TWO delicious news for you today! EXCITEMENT OVERLOAD! ? ✨First:: The Refocus Challenge is BACK! yeeeaaassss, all the deets & extra info are posted riiight here on this link! But I’ll give you a hint before you go over there...
by Raine | May 29, 2018 | creativity, manifestation, mindset
People!!!! I can hardly believe! This is really happening!!!! ✨ Do you remember that once upon a time there was a LimeTreeFruits blog, sending out weekly updates on juicy artsy inspiring things? No? Yeah, me neither! 😁 It all happened such a long time ago in a...