🇮🇹Italy & Law of Attraction✨ :: Trusting & Letting Go🍃

happy | 2 comments

Hello you gorgeousness!!

I have TWO delicious news for you today!


✨First:: The Refocus Challenge is BACK!

yeeeaaassss, all the deets & extra info are posted riiight here on this link!

But I’ll give you a hint before you go over there — you know that one thing you have going on which is not so great and is pulling the excitement out of all the rest in your life that is going great? As in…. you even feel guilty for feeling upset about it since there’s so much goodness going on?

Oh you, ungrateful ‘lil tomato! ? haha, no totally kidding!

I know that feeling, know it SO well….. getting stuck on that cycle of “this-is-not-working-and-it-sucks-but-really-everything-is-fine-stop-that-but-oh-if-only-NO-don’t-you-dare-think-about-this-anymore-how-can-you-oh-but-still-if-only….

Yeah, if you get what i’m saying, head over to read more about the Refocus Challenge and sign up! We’ll work through that hamster wheel together ?‍♀️


✨Second:: I made a video for us! 🎥📺💁🏻‍♀️

Can ya believe it? And I say for US because I do have so much fun creating them and it has been such a long time, I nearly forgot how exciting they are — I get a kick out of it and I hope you do too!!

On this video I am talking about something that used to be one of the hardest things for me…..

Trusting & Letting go.

I’m still working on it but it has been way way way better as of lately.

Meaning, long as I am aware I’m hanging on tight to something {and that’s why it’s not going well!} I can actually release it quicker than before.

And that’s the point, right?
Every day, every week, every year we are better versions of ourselves.  Like when I first realized I needed to let go of perfectionism. I didn’t even know how damaging it was at the time but right there and then I had the realization it needed to be changed!

Funny that, reading all that was going on in the mind of my few-years-younger self, I felt that urge to hug her.

You know that urge of love for your younger self?

When you look back and you are able to detach from that younger version of you and you are bursting in happiness for her and you just want to hug her and tell her:

 “I’m so proud of you! You are so precious and I’m so proud of you for everything you are. Even if you think you are not doing enough. You did so much! Because of you as you are, your thoughts, you actions, and internal work I became who I am and we both are the reason our future self is who she is. I’m so proud of you.”

You know those moments? Yah, I’ve been having lots of them lately trying to organize my blog, having to re-read old posts from years ago.

Now… the goal is to have those compassionate eyes with our current selfs, right? Because the farthest in the past, the easiest to detach and see ourselves so beautiful and perfect as we were. Bringing that compassion to the one we were last month, last week, yesterday, last hour? #Goals! ✨

Anyway… I digress… a LOT

Back to today’s video. TRUSTING & LETTING GO!!!!

Let’s get to it!

{And then right below it some fun video I created of my first impressions in Rome. ‘Cause you know…everything needs to be recorded! 😀 }



{…. I know, I know! it is “its” not “it’s”. Just realized after all was published :-/ }

NowI want to hear your experiences PRACTICING trusting and letting go! Roll up your sleeves, peaches and get to it!

Psssst..... don't forget to sign up for the Refocus Challenge! We are starting this soon!




Hey, love! I’m Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


  1. renee

    It’s been almost 10 years since I last visited Italy. I love wandering around Rome all day watching the people and looking at all the places. Pisa was also nice place, the little I got to see. That’s the first place I’ll visit when I go back.

    • Raine

      I know! So so so good to just be aimlessly walking around the city! I love it so much and miss it already! ??⛲️ When are you planning to go back?


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