by LimeTree | Feb 25, 2023 | mindset, planners
Happy Saturday, sunshine! This morning I was thinking about perspectives and how the way we look at things really shape up how we feel about them and our actions. Don’t believe me? ✨I got a juicy relatable example. 👉🏼 A couple days ago I sent you an email with...
by LimeTree | Feb 24, 2023 | mindset, planners
Hellooooooo you lovely you!!! Didja miss me? 😍 I missed you and I’m back FILLED with goodies for you! 👉🏼 Can you relate to loosing some of the steam of early in the year? Over here… I was ON A ROLL for 2023! I prepped before the year started like no other!...
by LimeTree | Dec 19, 2020 | mindset
Hellloooo pumpkin! I am back already! 😁 FREAKING EXCITED with the responses I’m getting from my last post! {if you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a look at the previous post to get caught up!} Now, today my message is short {haha, you...
by LimeTree | Oct 12, 2020 | creativity, mindset
Happy new week, pudding! How was that weekend of yours? EXCITED to bring to you this month’s…. ✨New✨free✨goodies!✨ 🤩 Didja get my announcement last month about the FREE Wallpaper packet coming back – monthly? This time with a twist! Every...
by LimeTree | Sep 3, 2020 | creativity, mindset
Happy new month pudding! ✨I’ve got✨new✨free✨goodies for ya! ✨ On my last post I did a quick survey about what kind of gadgets do you actually use your wallpapers on. {You might recall it? 😎 } And I was shocked watching the results come in to find...