by LimeTree | Sep 3, 2020 | creativity, mindset
Happy new month pudding! ✨I’ve got✨new✨free✨goodies for ya! ✨ On my last post I did a quick survey about what kind of gadgets do you actually use your wallpapers on. {You might recall it? 😎 } And I was shocked watching the results come in to find...
by RaineB | Jul 19, 2020 | manifestation, mindset
Happy Sunday Sunshine!!! Hope you’ve been doing AMAZINGLY well, despite the circumstances these days. I want to tell you a fun yet powerful story about creating our reality. There has been SO many insights, events, knowings and downloads happening over the years...
by LimeTree | Oct 22, 2019 | creativity, happy, mindset
Decisions, decisions…. 👉🏼How many times have you heard that all you need to achieve your goals is to DECIDE you are archiving them? ✨DECIDE that getting “there” {wherever “there” is for you} is a non-negotiable ✨DECIDE that you are...
by Raine | Mar 13, 2019 | creativity, planners
Beauts! Did I tell ya, how EXCITED I am that…. the SHOP is about to open again! ✨💃🏻✨🎊✨🥂✨ I didn’t tell ya, did I? 😎 Welp, that’s what I’ve been cooking lately. Slooooowly, reaaallllyy slowly but surely, tiny steps for months and I finally,...
by Raine | Mar 7, 2019 | creativity
Sooo…. continuing with my last post, Finding the my why : JOY, FUN, EXCITEMENT I’ve been starting my days with that. Sketching, painting and illustrating to be more precise. And it has been working wonders! The days shift! Instead of squeezing in at the...