I did it!
I purchased my ticket to the World Domination Summit!
Wowzers! What a name ins’t it? 😀
When I thought all was lost – because my inner nay-sayer managed to stop me from purchasing the ticket on the first round – and there was no way I could possibly go thru with this, magic happens! Really!
Poofff! Just like that!
I had even added WDS to my list of things to do in 2013 on my Dream-Manifesting-Book.
As I wrote that, I thought to my self “Why am I writing this? No way this will happen. I am so setting up myself for failure on that one. When I had the chance to buy it I managed to find lame excuses and not do it, tsctsc…”
But I added it to my list anyway. I really wanted it to happen so making it official, wouldn’t hurt.
Last week when I got the email reminder about the event, my stomach turned upside down “oh, it is time….the second round will be up….darn….” And I tried to not beat myself up for knowing that I had the chance months ago but I didn’t make a move.
And then…..there it was!….a chance again…..a last minute, totally unexpected one……. right there in front of me.
I had another chance and I knew that not acting on it would be my choice.
Oh, I feel sooo good right now! To actually move! Do it!
I didn’t cross that off the list yet, cause of course, I hadn’t actually attended yet 😀 But the hardest part deciding on it is done!
Silly enough, investing in yourself can be so scary, isn’t it? I felt nervous all the way thru the transaction thinking: “what on earth am I doing? Why? How? Do I have no shame?” LOL
Ah, and I did it anyway!
To have the opportunity to hear so many wonderful people, connect and re-think things. Yes!!!!! Yes to a beautiful, bright, insightful year!
And right after I received my confirmation email I went to check some blog posts and saw Andrea Scher talking exactly about that. Investing in yourself. Beautiful! I felt even more in awe ♥
Sweethearts, I hope you all are being nice to yourself, nurturing yourself non-stop, everyday, all the time, giving yourself what you need because you SO deserve it.
Raine. —–> *update* this is coming so natural lately that I forgot to mention: second act of excitement/bravery of the day – name.change.is.out!
Congrats on your upcoming conference, hope it is wonderful for you, Raine.
Thank yoooou sweets! I am so excited! I get giggly every time I think about it 😀