Happy new day, my love!
The last few weeks I’ve been helping some of my fellow online entrepreneurs by doing quick website reviews to pin point where their site has been working AGAINST them .
Where their website is actually bouncing people off and leaving money on the table.
Worse yet, bouncing off not just any people but those who WANT to be working with them!
Crazy, right?
But I have to tell you love, it is so so common to find this one mistake on well-intended and dedicated online service providers.
and that is….
Social Media Links
Oh, the unpopular opinion that comes with it!
Hear me out, love.
Social Media is a wonderful and effective tool to spread the word about your work. Reach new audiences and expand always more.
Yes, no doubt about it.
When someone lands on your site….. they came in because they want to be in your world. They want to learn more about you, hear/read more about your take on your topics and all around get to know you better.
And there they are excited to have landed on your site ready to explore.
They look around a bit, read an article, and BAM right there in their faces right they see that shiny “follow” button calling them in.
“oh, look! Her Facebook page, I can keep in touch with her!”
She happily hits that “follow” button because she wants to hear more about you + your work and she wants the latest updated on it.
Ann then on she goes in her merry way not thinking about it much.
Yet love…..
>You and I know the uncertainty that goes on Facebook posts actually getting any visibility if at all.
> You and I know the horror stories of audiences built organically to just disappear in the abyss of algorithms shifting mood.
> You and I know how much EFFORT is needed to keep engagement happening constantly in a social media page.
> You and I know love…. that that brand new eager-to-know-you new follower who had just landed in your site might never hear from you again, even thou she hit that “follow” button.
Can you imagine that person who is SO looking forward to learn more about our services landing on our sites and we intentionally send her away to another website where she might or might not her from us again?
How unfair! To her and to us.
Now peaches, don’t go out there tagging me around with a “Raine says Social Media is doomed!” attached to it.
That is not it at all.
Social Media is excellent to spread the word about our work, to be in front of new faces and connect with new people, in a fast and dynamic environment but once that Social Media platform actually sends them to your site?
✨For the love of all the unicorns, do-not-send-them-back-out!
Keep them on your site!
Once they land on your site, the goal is to click around, read more articles, learn about your services, get to know you. And if she doesn’t purchase anything right off the bat? Opting in to your email list before she leaves so YOU can communicate with her again later on.
So YOU know that that long inspired post you wrote on Instagram {which she doesn’t even have an account to begin with} will reach her and she will get the content she was looking for in the first place.
Now love, this is one of the many very very common mistakes I’ve been seen entrepreneurs doing over the years.
There are many other things to cover and specific strategies to each person’s business journey as well.
✨All that and much more is what we are doing for the next month and a half in the Built-on-Purpose Website Coaching Program.
If you’ve missed my previous note on it {subscribers get first dibs on things like that 😉 } or need a refresher all the info on how things will happen in the program is right below.
Extremely important to know right now is that THIS week only, there’s a special discount going on!
But the deets first:
Your Built-on-Purpose Website
A 6 weeks group program where we will together, build you a website from the ground up {if you don’t have one} or optimize your current one to the fullest {if you already have a website} making sure your ideal client will instantly connect with you, feel at home, heard and understood. In other words – a website that truly connects, engage and converts!
Going further on the details:
What is included:
- Brand new site : if you don’t have one. If you do, we’ll do a full on optimizations of your current one.
- Optimization of website copy : meaning, we will truly polish the copy of your site to connect and engage with your ideal client. They say content is king, ya? As a designer, I totally agree! Beautiful visuals draw attention and makes them stop “scrolling” but your copy content is what will keep them engaged and ready to take action.
- Optimized website Layout : even thou I truly believe copy will make readers stay and come back, the site layout and design needs to be supportive and conducive to that. It can not overpower the knowledge you are providing. It needs to highlight important pieces of your copy as they navigate through your site. Design and Layout are there to bring in attention and support your content, not to gloss over it. We’ll work on your current site to optimize it all OR if you don’t have a site yet, we’ll define the layout in your brand new site.
- Optimized Pages : We all want to throw on the site everything we know so people understand we are THE go-to person in our fields, ya? 😀 But sometimes love, this does not clarify, it just confuses. Knowing exactly who your ideal customer is will help us optimize WHICH page needs to be up there on the site, visible and supporting your business.
- Funnel & Optin : Ah, one of my favorites! :)) Your ideal client deserves to have a nicely and warm cozy feeling throughout after grabbing that freebie you offered her. As she navigates through the email sequence of your funnel, she will be reassured every time more that YOU are the right person for her. If you don’t have a Lead Magnet yet we’ll come up with one to meet your ideal client where she’s at and give her a taste of how it is to work with you. If you have one, we will polish it up some more if needed or come up with a brand new one as things develop!
- Optimized Sales Page : One of your services page will be the focus as we polish up your site. On this page we will find the best way to unfold your expertise as your ideal client navigates through your sales page. Layout, graphics, copy, CTAs {calls-to-action}, all those play an important role in it but they need to be intentionally and strategically displayed so that juicy sales conversion can really happen.
- 6 group coaching calls : throughout the whole process we will be meeting weekly to review the work created as well as sort out any mindset shifts that needs to happen. Because love…. when we put ourselves out there, in a different way, aiming for that new level…. well… our subconscious mind plays little tricks in attempts to get us right back on what is already known. And this right there can holds us back for way longer than we care to admit!
- Printables & Worksheets! Of course, it can’t be a program coming from Raine without the bite-size-broken-down-into-
steps printables that makes everything much more attainable and progress consistent, ya? :)) Clarity AND action is what we are aiming for – always – and the worksheets will keep us focused!
Who this is for:
- Service providers and coaches as well as anyone selling info products, like e-book, e-courses, etc.
- Those who are ready to take things to the next level – YOUR next level! You know where you have been through, the paths you walked on and now love…. it is time to go beyond. Way beyond!
- Those ready to hit the ground running: you already DECIDED there’s no more dilly dallying and your message NEEDS to be out there!
- Those who understand the importance and potential of their online presence and know their website can be and do so much more!
- Those ready to create ease through automations and business systems
- Those facing some real website shame 😉 We’ll end that in a sec!
- Those open to new ideas and willing to do the work to see results: we’ll get deep into business clarity, direction and action steps. You are ready for it if you know you are the person willing to see things through a different perspective AND take action through it!
Who this is NOT for:
- Physical products sellers. This program doesn’t apply, love!
- Those who need a standard website. This is not it, love! 😀 Strategy, online marketing systems and an all around business savviness are key elements of all websites I create. Specially the business focused ones! So no, standard is not happening here. Quite the opposite!
- Those who are not sure yet how they can help their people. The whole purpose of the Built-On-Purpose Program is to hit the sweet spot of connecting with your readers and clients by making it crystal clear to them how you are here to serve. So right away, on the spot, they know they found THE one person right for them. All pages, the Lead Magnet + Funnel, Blog Layout, etc are built on that. I get it that years of shutting ourselves down to do what we are “supposed” to do/be leaves us disconnected from our core and from who we are. And that hinders our confidence to help others. Clear up the fog first love, get clear on your gifts and then come back here! I will be waiting for ya, ready to support you in your new found purpose! :))
How this all is going to happen:
- Pre-work drops on Monday Feb. 10th!
- We start on Monday Feb. 17th and go for 6 weeks!
- From there we’ll have weekly calls as we navigate through the program content
- Once you go through the check out you’ll be receive an welcome email with the next steps.
What do you walk away with:
- A conversion focused website! Be that a brand new one, or your current one optimized to the fullest!
- An effective Sales Funnel: to keep your prospects engaged and ready to book our offers.
- Automations: booking and payment systems fully functional and easy to navigate!
- Confidence:
— to put yourself out there because now you have a website that is a true online representation of you and your mission.
— knowing that your website effectively builds your list and book clients YET it doesn’t feel pushy or aggressive to your visitors.
— knowing that every potential and current client is receiving exactly what they need from you.
— to easily welcome every opportunity that feels right knowing that new eyes in your work, services, programs, and online presence will find a true reflection of you, your business and your expertise.
And most importantly…
Knowing {in your soul} that your big vision is a reality and it’s happening right now.
Now love, the price of all this juiciness if you were to work with me 1:1 – just you and I?
- A Conversion Optimized Website: starts at $3500.
- A Strategic developed for your business Sales Funnel: starts at $1800
- Total if you were to get on my calendar and work with me 1:1: starts at $5300
I say ‘starts’, because each site and each business is different from each other and pricing varies wildly. But this above ^^ would be our starting point.
AND the above does not include copy! My clients come with their copy ready or they fill in the placeholders later on.
Now this juicy Built-on-Purpose Website group program, where you get the Website AND the Sales Funnel complete with Copy, Graphics, Layout, Design, Strategy all set up and ready to hit the ground running?
>> only $1750!
And for the fast-action takers, this week only?
A $300 discount!!
Less than A THIRD of the price if we were to do this 1:1!!! YEAS!!!
This is the year and *decade* of you and your business going to levels that you could only dream of.
That lovely future self we talked about yesterday who’s fully aware of her importance in the world and the crucial role of her gifts? She’s here and trying to come through.
HER website is here, waiting to come to life!
Let it come through, love ❣️
Click right this link to join us
{psst… payment options available 😉 }
SUPER excited to get those sites {YOURS included} optimized and converting like a crazy can’t-turn-off Netflix binge 😀
Talk to you soon,