The biggest WRONG assumption about blogging + biz online

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biggest worng assumption1Hello there lovely!

Here I am back with some real talk about blogging and making money online.

Ya know that yucky feeling about online “get-rich-quick-scheme” that we are always suspicious about?

That term…. “passive income”…. you know?

When I first started blogging I had no intention whatsoever of making money with it. I just wanted to blog because it was fun. THAN later came all those so-called “passive income” talk and my ears got perked up.

And you know what I found out throughout the process?

Oh, my gawd there is NOTHING of “passive” in online income.

Totally, totally, totally the opposite.

Tons of hard work and sweat goes into every dime that comes in.

I still have no clue why online income got to be called that non-sense.

But the most extraordinary and fun thing about the whole process IS the hard work and sweat that goes into it. Which ends up not feeling like work at all. {and when it does I know I got off track. But that is a topic for another post}.

The truth is that making an online business profitable is freeing and allows you to truly bring on YOUR amazing self to the world.

There are no limits on how many people you can reach AND no boundaries regarding the kind of work you will bring to them.

This realization didn’t show up out of the blue. It gradually appeared by doing the work, connecting with like-minded peeps and closely following {*ahem* maybe stalking. 😀 }people that I admire that are doing the work I want to do and living that freedom life I’ve been craving for so long.

I have no doubts you can relate to it too – the tingling inside of making money as a natural extension of who you are and your life style.

Now take a peek at this excerpt from Marie Forleo’s free training video where she talks about people like you and me doing business in the modern world:

"... big hearted creators - like us! - are natural born connectors and communicators. All we want to do is help the world be a better place and more than anything we love to help other people by sharing information, ideas & resources for the greater good. We care about people!"

Can you imagine a world where all those kind of peeps step forward and actually make THAT kind of goodness accessible to people everywhere and anywhere?

And that means YOU my sweet heart-centered friend! YOU need to roll up your sleeves, breathe in that fresh air of new possibilities and get out there!

Seriously! I want MORE of these people out there doing business. I want to know YOU and YOUR biz, for crying out loud! :)))

Marie Forleo {from the quote above and one of the main heart-centered business woman I have been stalking over the years} released a FREE video training series all about what it takes to fight for that good fight. :)))

The whole video series is live and so worth your time. The training will not be up forever my love so  don’t wait till the last minute to watch them all. They are packed with powerful content that you will need time in between videos to sink all that in.

For those of you creating your websites and revamping your blogs, watch her talk about the importance of having an strategy behind it and the components of an effective website.

Get comfy, grab your favorite beverage and soak up all her biz wisdom.

bschool launch
Click the image above to access the free training or riiight here!

I am there with you, rolling up my sleeves and doing my share to make this world a better place to all of us. <3

Many Smooches,




HA! Almost forgot to mention. There are PRINTABLES that come with her video! Seriously my love, whatcha waiting for? Get in there now! 😀

Hey, love! I’m Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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