by LimeTree | Sep 8, 2012 | 29faces, creativity, watercolor
The 7th face is heeereee! I got too caught up watching and reading videos about setting up blogs – because I want a new one! – and got totally behind on my face painting today. I actually thought of skipping it! Thankfully I didn’t because I really... by LimeTree | Aug 16, 2012 | art supplies, creativity, masking fluid, watercolor
Have you played with masking fluid today? I have! And It is so much fun! Part of the fun actually, was experimenting and playing around with it because it has been YEARS since last time I use it. I wasn’t sure how the end result would be. Now, in case you... by LimeTree | Jul 25, 2012 | art supplies, creativity, happy, watercolor
Hey lovely! I couldn’t resist and HAD to share my little goodie box. 😍 On my last trip I went a little nuts on art supplies but ironically the one I was dying to put my hands on was an online purchase that arrived right after we were back from the trip. So there...