by RaineB | Jul 25, 2018 | happy
Hello you gorgeous you!! Hope your week is going GREAT! Over here I’m SO EXCITED to announce that one more page is available on LimeTreeFruits site! Which I believe is everyone’s favorite page ?…… ?The Freebies Page!? Yeeeeaassss!!!! Freebies...
by LimeTree | Dec 9, 2015 | planners
Hellluuu lovely! Am I excited to share this new finding or what? 😀 It *seems* to be *almost* perfect. << Ya, using the words very carefully here ’cause I know planner perfection doesn’t exist so…. let’s see how it’ll unfold....
by LimeTree | Sep 13, 2014 | planners
Happy weeeekend puddin’! 😀 Are you full of plans to chillax and decompress from the busy week? Over here I am full force counting down the days to the launch of LimeTreeFruits Planner Packet AND the free 2017 planner! Yup, you read it right. F-R-E-E 2017 planner...
by LimeTree | Feb 25, 2014 | planners
I am baaack with another video! Can ya believe that? I know, me either! 😀 I just got too excited with the last one and decided to keep rolling, hehe So this one is all about cutting paper. I did this “trick” over a year ago using a WHOLE ream of...
by LimeTree | Jan 28, 2014 | planners
Happy almost February lovely! I know, shocking! We are just a few days away from completing the very first month of the new year! Unbelievable! So let me tell you a ‘lil secret. ‘Member when I shared with you the planning retreat I did to get my ducks in a...