This is going
to be fun!
As life is meant to be about
It is our playground my love, and we get to create our experiences as we go.

This is going
to be fun!
As life is meant to be about
It is our playground my love, and we get to create our experiences as we go.

🎀Here on this corner of the internet you will find my latest teachings, discoveries and resources on crafting a life that inevitably leads you to greater self-expression, creativity and fulfillment every day more.
📆 We have a date!🤩
WE HAVE A DATE!📆🤩 Just *three* more sleeps and the Get Planned Course is live up and running!
📒📚ANOTHER Planner Course is up and running!🤩
ANOTHER Planner Course is up and running, created by yours truly! 🤩💁🏻♀️🍋 Juicy as can be with an exclusive printable packet AND at the time of this, it comes as a ✨free✨ bonus to the Get Planned Course. You don't want to miss it, love! 😎
🚪✨Choose you door!
Happy new week, lovely! I need to share with you this insight and goodness👇🏼 💿 🎶 My favorite musician in the entire world, released a new album a couple years ago. Of course, I obsessed over it at the time. Yet,...
📍It’s here!📒Make Any Planner Work For You!✨and NEW printables!
The members area *just* reopened and with it ALL 3 Planner courses by LimeTreeFruits AND a special Curated Productivity Series with all the best planning tips and printables created over the years. Click through to find out more and get them all!🤩
👀🤔It all works out but just sometimes?
🎢 There is a way to stop the roller-coaster of *sometimes* getting into a good flow and most of the times falling off of it. On this post, I am giving you a few tips and journal prompts to dig in deeper on the topic.📓
🌚📍Sustaining your changes {post new moon} + Journaling Prompts
✨That post new moon ritual glow.... we must be able to sustain it, ya? Breakthroughs are beautiful but lasting changes need some extra support beyond that a-ha moment. On this post I'm covering that together with some journaling prompts to get you going 📝
🍃⭐️Release the old, welcome the new
✨A new month needs a BRAND NEW Digital downloadable, don'tcha think? 😉 It is always a great time to start fresh and become anew and with this packet you can carry this reminder anywhere you go 🎀
🎂🍵It is a Birthday Tea Party!
Another year on this juicy Earth and LOTS of insights that came with it! It's time for tea.... and cake 🍵🎂
🤨⚠️When you feel stuck and don’t know what to do
Feeling stuck... that annoying feeling that comes through once in a while and sometimes right when we thought we were moving forward full speed. On this post I'm talking about an easy and VERY underrated way to unstuck and get back in your flow✨ 🍃