creativity, perspective

☀️Put your focus glasses on 🕶️

Hello my favorite! ☀️How was that eclipse for you? Hopefully fully equipped with the right gear so all retinas were protected and well loved. ❤️ Over here, I was amused by those special glasses. Amused by the fact...


🗓️Plan your month – like you mean it!💪🏼

It's that time, my love! A new month that we get to plan and shape up the way we want it to be! Of course, things aren't always *that* predictable, but keeping the overall 'feels' and intention for the month can go a long way! I'm explaining all about here in this post, PLUS a brand ✨new✨ printable awaits 😍

mindset, perspective

🤘🏼🎉Are we rocking this year or what?🥂

Following through with our new year's commitment and becoming *that* person who easily and naturally has changed routines, habits and all what is needed to accomplish her goals... easier said then done? I got some tips on following through right on this post. Read on!