✨🌷When I had to pull myself back up on my feet ✨🥀on divorce and loosing family

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Happy new week Sunshine!!


How are you feeling on those last two days of the year? Ready for the new one?


>> If you are not, today we are doing an exercise that will get you in this mood I’ve been finding myself lately:



But in all honesty love, I wasn’t feeling that hot and bubbly about it just a few weeks ago.

I wasn’t seen that I’ve done “enough” this year.

I’ve heard/read/saw many people struggling a lot in 2019 and even thou mine wasn’t like that {not even close, it was a really good actually!} I was feeling it wasn’t “good enough” or that *I* hadn’t done “enough” during the year.

So if you are feeling this way or if you actually had a bad year, here’s what we are doing to shift your perception of it:


✨Focus on the big picture✨


This’s what I mean:

Our goal – really deep inside – is not to just get by or get to the end of the day in one piece. There’s the overarching theme of happiness, fulfillment, joy in wherever shape of form those things take on for you.

Thankfully we are moving into a new decade and we can use this to our advantage – to look at the big picture.


✨The exercise to shift your perception of 2019:


Grab a pen + paper and make two columns.

The first one: everything you accomplished this decade.

The second one: what did you used to belief at the beginning of the decade that now you completely don’t subscribe to anymore and/or believe exactly the opposite?

>> This my love, will help you see how far you’ve come and how much you have grown.

It is not about nitpicking a year.

❣️ It is about the overall big picture of where you were and where you are headed to.

Here’s my own very juicy example.

Some context first so you can really feel me through the timeline:

>> In 2013 I lost the last close relative I had whom I adored.

>> In 2015 I got divorced and lost the last remaining “safety” I thought I still had.

Blame it on my Latin upbringing, or my single-child suffocating way of being raised or just on how things turned out, the thing is… 2015 was the year I was truly for the first time completely on my own.

Even thou I have been an adult for a while now {HA! :D}, that year was the first time I felt that I was being forced to “adult”.

I felt alone, abandoned, left to my own devices, having to figure it all out.

Not even someone to “bounce off” ideas I felt I had, which is something really important to me {and one of the reasons I love blogging so much. The act of writing to you, helps me process my thoughts and ideas}

Anyways, I had no human being to lean on and out of the many, many, MANY scary things I experienced in my life this complete emptiness of human emotional support was a first.

That’s the back story. With this in mind now on with the timeline that came after.

Here’s the very rough and quick summary of each year that I journaled on {from the exercise above}:

✨2014: SO many things happen that year, good and bad, but the important one to the story today – I decided, at the end of the year, that I had to leave the relationship I was in. I knew I had done all in my power to save it but my relationship was over and divorce was inevitable.

✨2015: Divorced. New city, living with a roommate and making ends meet really really tightly. {Note, I have NEVER EVER lived with a roommate before. As an adult having to do that was…. interesting, to say the least}. I was overall feeling really really lost, questioning my entire life’s choices, pondering too many “what if’s” and walking aimlessly around trying to “explore” the new city but truly just doing everything I could to avoid looking at that almost permanent dark and heavy cloud above my head.

✨2016: Now affording a 1-bedroom apartment, in a new city all by myself. Good! Yet, the money tightness, tightened much much more than before. Letting that dark, heavy cloud hold my head really low and drag me down more than ever before. Connecting with all the wrong people. All the ones that just reinforced that cloud in my head. Struggling to find myself and remember who I am, in the midst of everything. Did I mentioned money was absurdly tight? Yah, I did. It was.

✨2017: Living in the same place as the year before but now easily paying for everything I needed while upgrading my lifestyle tremendously. Bought a car on my own for the first time! {Prior to it, I always lived in cities that didn’t need a car and the few times I needed – someone else took care of the paperwork for me. So I didn’t even KNOW how to do it, what was needed, how the process go, timeline, nothing! It was intimidating as can be dealing with those sales car people.} Then FIVE times that year I travelled for events for fun and/or for spiritual + mindset learning purposes {this was strangely hard for me. Almost 2 years secluded in my own life, I felt really “out there in the world” travelling and going through airports}. On that same year I went on one more trip – this time internationally! Also that year I started connecting with more aligned people, making friends again {entrepreneurs and spiritually inclined as I wanted} and felt healed and brave enough to start dating again. Briefly fell in love! That was sweet :)) I had forgotten how it felt! AND drum rolls please…. I had my first 5 fig month! Wowzres!! 2017 was a big year for me and a big contrast from both previous years!

✨2018: That year I had not just one but TWO international trips on my belt, celebrated my birthday with another trip to a nature-filled, spiritual center I always wanted to go, had more money in the bank then I had ever seen :D, realized I was making DOUBLE of what I used to make in my 9-5 job AND moved to a new city into a 2-bedroom apartment.

✨2019: This year? Trips, yes, money, yes, more aligned friends, yes, more aligned dating , yes but most importantly…. it was truly a year of integrating everything I learned all the previous years. Specially understanding and truly feeling this beautiful earthly world we live in and the delicious impact, influence and sovereignty that the spiritual world has on us.

I shared this card in blog post before and it really sums up 2019 for me:



✨Learning through love.✨

This has been my biggest and most important shift and understanding of the decade – I can learn and grow through love. Pain and struggle aren’t a necessity.

I don’t need to struggle to learn, evolve and grow. Specially spiritually.

Love is a choice and I can choose and let IT teach me.

Love is here and I can choose to learn through it every time, any time and over and over again.

So, if you think you hadn’t done enough this year, or it was too hard, that nothing good came from it, go do the exercise I mentioned and make both lists!

✨ They will bring up beautifully into your awareness all the goodness that your life has been and all the amazing work you have been doing that you didn’t even noticed.✨

{and by ‘work’ I mean inner work and outer work.}

>> Now love, if you want support moving forward through all of this as the new year and new decade approaches, I’m opening up a new LIVE round of the Plot Twist Series.

We will together, bring back, unfold, restore to life all those hidden dreams of yours that you have been longing to fulfill and start living them now in this present moment. Or if you are just trying to “make do”, move from surviving to thriving like I was before, same same! We’ll take a closer look at all that is lingering around you, find your version of the dark cloud and release it, shift it and start thriving again.

We’ll be meeting WEEKLY and LIVE to hash out on what’s been going on on that week for you, uncover things that are resistant and really dig in to clear up the limitations in your head to move forward in the new year ahead!

AND for the fast action-takers : by joining before the end of the year, the 2020 LimeTreeFruits Planner Printable comes as a free bonus! Yeas! 😀 If you missed my posts from before, this darling color blast is back and it’s yours for free when you join our 2020 Live Round of the Plot Twist in the next 48 hours! ❣️


✨ For more information on everything that’s included and how it’ll all work click right here on this sentence! :)) ✨


❣️SO excited to make magic with you, beauts!

Many many smooches,





Hey, love! I’m Raine.👋🏼

Artist, designer and believer that ✨joy & fun✨ are a MUST in our lives. My hope is that my posts will bring you a giggle, a smile, and also remind you {when you happen to have forgotten} of the importance of your own happiness – to yourself and to those around you.

Cheers to this delicious truth! 🥂✨


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